Source code for pyfarm.models.core.types

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Custom Columns and Type Generators

Special column types used by PyFarm's models.

import re
import uuid
from json import dumps, loads
from textwrap import dedent

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from UserDict import UserDict
    from UserList import UserList
except ImportError:
    from collections import UserDict, UserList

from sqlalchemy.types import (
    TypeDecorator, BigInteger, Integer, UnicodeText, TypeEngine, VARBINARY)
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID as POSTGRES_UUID
from netaddr import AddrFormatError, IPAddress as _IPAddress

from pyfarm.master.application import db
from pyfarm.core.enums import (
    STRING_TYPES, INTEGER_TYPES, _AgentState, _UseAgentAddress, _WorkState,
    _OperatingSystem, Values, PY3)

ID_DOCSTRING = dedent("""Provides an id for the current row.  This value should
                         never be directly relied upon and it's intended for use
                         by relationships.""")
NoneType = type(None)  # from stdlib types module
JSON_NONE = dumps(None)
RESUB_GUID_CHARS = re.compile("[{}-]")

# types which our custom column types will accept via json
    # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
    JSON_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TYPES = (str, unicode, int, long)
except NameError:

# global mappings which can be used in relationships by external
# tables
if == "sqlite":
    IDTypeWork = Integer
    IDTypeWork = BigInteger

if == "postgresql":
    import psycopg2.extras

IDTypeTag = Integer

[docs]class JSONSerializable(TypeDecorator): """ Base of all custom types which process json data to and from the database. :var tuple serialize_types: the kinds of objects we expect to serialize to and from the database :var bool serialize_none: if True then return None instead of converting it to its json value :var bool allow_blank: if True, do not raise a :class:`ValueError` for empty data :var bool allow_empty: if True, do not raise :class:`ValueError` if the input data itself is empty """ impl = UnicodeText serialize_types = None serialize_none = False # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(JSONSerializable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # make sure the subclass is doing something we expect if self.serialize_types is None: raise NotImplementedError("`serialize_types` is not defined")
[docs] def dumps(self, value): """ Performs the process of dumping `value` to json. For classes such as :class:`UserDict` or :class:`UserList` this will dump the underlying data instead of the object itself. """ if isinstance(value, (UserDict, UserList)): value = return dumps(value)
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): """Converts the value being assigned into a json blob""" if NoneType in self.serialize_types and value is None: return self.dumps(value) if self.serialize_none else value elif NoneType not in self.serialize_types and value is None: return elif not isinstance(value, self.serialize_types): args = (type(value), self.__class__.__name__) raise ValueError("unexpected type %s for `%s`" % args) else: return self.dumps(value)
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): """Converts data from the database into a Python object""" if value is not None: value = loads(value) return value
[docs]class JSONList(JSONSerializable): """Column type for storing list objects as json""" serialize_types = (list, tuple, UserList) json_types = list
[docs]class JSONDict(JSONSerializable): """Column type for storing dictionary objects as json""" serialize_types = (dict, UserDict) json_types = dict
[docs]class MACAddress(TypeDecorator): """ Column type which can store and retrieve MAC addresses in a more efficient manner """ impl = BigInteger MAX_INT = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF json_types = JSON_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TYPES
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if isinstance(value, int): if value < 0 or value > self.MAX_INT: args = (value, self.__class__.__name__) raise ValueError("invalid integer '%s' for %s" % args) return value elif isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): return int("0" + value.replace(":", ""), 16) elif value is None: return value else: raise ValueError("unexpected type %s for value" % type(value))
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: out = format((value >> 40) & 0xFF, "02x") out += ":" out += format((value >> 32) & 0xFF, "02x") out += ":" out += format((value >> 24) & 0xFF, "02x") out += ":" out += format((value >> 16) & 0xFF, "02x") out += ":" out += format((value >> 8) & 0xFF, "02x") out += ":" out += format(value & 0xFF, "02x") return out
[docs]class IPAddress(_IPAddress): """ Custom version of :class:`netaddr.IPAddress` which can match itself against other instance of the same class, a string, or an integer. """ def __eq__(self, other): # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class if isinstance(other, STRING_TYPES): return str(self) == other elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) == other else: return super(IPAddress, self).__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other): # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class if isinstance(other, STRING_TYPES): return str(self) != other elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) != other else: return super(IPAddress, self).__ne__(other)
[docs]class IPv4Address(TypeDecorator): """ Column type which can store and retrieve IPv4 addresses in a more efficient manner """ impl = BigInteger MAX_INT = 4294967295 json_types = JSON_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TYPES
[docs] def checkInteger(self, value): if value < 0 or value > self.MAX_INT: args = (value, self.__class__.__name__) raise ValueError("invalid integer '%s' for %s" % args) return value
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if isinstance(value, int): return self.checkInteger(value) elif isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): try: return self.checkInteger(int(IPAddress(value.replace("%", "")))) except AddrFormatError: # pragma: no cover # value provided is coming from a form search if "%" in value: return None raise elif isinstance(value, _IPAddress): return int(value) elif value is None: return value else: raise ValueError("unexpected type %s for value" % type(value))
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: value = IPAddress(value) self.checkInteger(int(value)) return value
[docs]class EnumType(TypeDecorator): """ Special column type which handles translation from a human readable enum into an integer that the database can use. :var enum: required class level variable which defines what enum this custom column handles :raises AssertionError: raised if ``enum`` is not set on the class """ impl = Integer enum = NotImplemented json_types = JSON_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TYPES # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EnumType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert self.enum is not NotImplemented, "`enum` not set"
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): """ Takes ``value`` and maps it to the internal integer. :raises ValueError: raised if ``value`` is not part of the class level ``enum`` mapping """ if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, Values): return else: return self.process_result_value(value, dialect).int
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: for enum_value in self.enum: if value == enum_value: return enum_value else: error_args = (repr(value), repr(self.enum)) raise ValueError( "failed to map %s to an enum value in %s" % error_args) return value
[docs]class UUIDType(TypeDecorator): """ Custom column type which handles UUIDs in the appropriate manner for various databases. """ impl = TypeEngine json_types = uuid.UUID def _to_uuid(self, value): if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): return value elif isinstance(value, INTEGER_TYPES): return uuid.UUID(int=value) elif PY3 and isinstance(value, bytes): return uuid.UUID(bytes=value) elif isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): try: return uuid.UUID(value) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover if PY3: # We handle bytes above raise return uuid.UUID(bytes=value) else: raise TypeError("Don't know how to handle %s" % type(value))
[docs] def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): if == "postgresql": return dialect.type_descriptor(POSTGRES_UUID()) return dialect.type_descriptor(VARBINARY(16))
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value is None: return value value = self._to_uuid(value) if == "postgresql": return value return value.bytes
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is None: return value return self._to_uuid(value)
[docs]class OperatingSystemEnum(EnumType): """custom column type for working with :class:`.AgentState`""" enum = _OperatingSystem
[docs]class UseAgentAddressEnum(EnumType): """custom column type for working with :class:`.UseAgentAddress`""" enum = _UseAgentAddress
[docs]class AgentStateEnum(EnumType): """custom column type for working with :class:`.AgentState`""" enum = _AgentState
[docs]class WorkStateEnum(EnumType): """custom column type for working with :class:`.WorkState`""" enum = _WorkState
IDTypeAgent = UUIDType
[docs]def id_column(column_type=None, **kwargs): """ Produces a column used for `id` on each table. Typically this is done using a class in :mod:`pyfarm.models.mixins` however because of the ORM and the table relationships it's cleaner to have a function produce the column. """ kwargs.setdefault("primary_key", True) kwargs.setdefault("autoincrement", True) kwargs.setdefault("doc", ID_DOCSTRING) kwargs.setdefault("nullable", False) return db.Column(column_type or Integer, **kwargs)