Source code for pyfarm.models.agent

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Agent Models

Models and interface classes related to the agent.

import re
import uuid
from textwrap import dedent
from datetime import datetime

from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
from netaddr import AddrFormatError, IPAddress

from pyfarm.core.enums import (
    AgentState, STRING_TYPES, UseAgentAddress, INTEGER_TYPES, WorkState)
from pyfarm.core.config import read_env_number, read_env_int, read_env
from pyfarm.master.application import db, app
from pyfarm.models.core.functions import repr_ip
from pyfarm.models.core.mixins import (
    ValidatePriorityMixin, UtilityMixins, ReprMixin, ValidateWorkStateMixin)
from pyfarm.models.core.types import (
    id_column, IPv4Address, IDTypeAgent, UseAgentAddressEnum,
    OperatingSystemEnum, AgentStateEnum, MACAddress)
from pyfarm.models.core.cfg import (
from pyfarm.models.jobtype import JobTypeVersion
from pyfarm.models.job import Job

__all__ = ("Agent", )

REGEX_HOSTNAME = re.compile("^(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)"

AgentSoftwareVersionAssociation = db.Table(
    db.Column("agent_id", IDTypeAgent,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_AGENT), primary_key=True),
    db.Column("software_version_id", db.Integer,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_SOFTWARE_VERSION), primary_key=True))

AgentTagAssociation = db.Table(
    TABLE_AGENT_TAG_ASSOC, db.metadata,
    db.Column("agent_id", IDTypeAgent,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_AGENT), primary_key=True),
    db.Column("tag_id", db.Integer,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_TAG), primary_key=True))

GPUInAgent = db.Table(
    TABLE_GPU_IN_AGENT, db.metadata,
    db.Column("agent_id", IDTypeAgent,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_AGENT), primary_key=True),
    db.Column("gpu_id", db.Integer,
              db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_GPU), primary_key=True))

class AgentTaggingMixin(object):
    Mixin used which provides some common structures to
    :class:`.AgentTag` and :class:`.AgentSoftware`
    @validates("tag", "software")
    def validate_string_column(self, key, value):
        Ensures `value` is a string or something that can be converted
        to a string.
        if isinstance(value, INTEGER_TYPES):
            value = str(value)
        elif not isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES):
            raise ValueError("expected a string for `%s`" % key)

        return value

class AgentMacAddress(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = TABLE_AGENT_MAC_ADDRESS
    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("agent_id", "mac_address"), )

    agent_id = db.Column(IDTypeAgent, db.ForeignKey("" % TABLE_AGENT),
                         primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    mac_address = db.Column(MACAddress, primary_key=True, nullable=False,

[docs]class Agent(db.Model, ValidatePriorityMixin, ValidateWorkStateMixin, UtilityMixins, ReprMixin): """ Stores information about an agent include its network address, state, allocation configuration, etc. .. note:: This table enforces two forms of uniqueness. The :attr:`id` column must be unique and the combination of these columns must also be unique to limit the frequency of duplicate data: * :attr:`hostname` * :attr:`port` * :attr:`id` """ __tablename__ = TABLE_AGENT __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("hostname", "port", "id"), ) STATE_ENUM = AgentState STATE_DEFAULT = "online" REPR_COLUMNS = ( "id", "hostname", "port", "state", "remote_ip", "cpus", "ram", "free_ram") REPR_CONVERT_COLUMN = { "remote_ip": repr_ip} MIN_PORT = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_PORT", 1024) MAX_PORT = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_PORT", 65535) MIN_CPUS = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_CPUS", 1) MAX_CPUS = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_CPUS", 256) MIN_RAM = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_RAM", 16) MAX_RAM = read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_RAM", 262144) # quick check of the configured data assert MIN_PORT >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_PORT must be > 0" assert MAX_PORT >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_PORT must be > 0" assert MAX_PORT >= MIN_PORT, "MIN_PORT must be <= MAX_PORT" assert MIN_CPUS >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_CPUS must be > 0" assert MAX_CPUS >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_CPUS must be > 0" assert MAX_CPUS >= MIN_CPUS, "MIN_CPUS must be <= MAX_CPUS" assert MIN_RAM >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MIN_RAM must be > 0" assert MAX_RAM >= 1, "$PYFARM_AGENT_MAX_RAM must be > 0" assert MAX_RAM >= MIN_RAM, "MIN_RAM must be <= MAX_RAM" id = id_column(IDTypeAgent, default=uuid.uuid4, autoincrement=False) # basic host attribute information hostname = db.Column(db.String(MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH), nullable=False, doc=dedent(""" The hostname we should use to talk to this host. Preferably this value will be the fully qualified name instead of the base hostname alone.""")) remote_ip = db.Column(IPv4Address, nullable=True, doc="the remote address which came in with the " "request") use_address = db.Column(UseAgentAddressEnum, nullable=False, default=UseAgentAddress.REMOTE, doc="The address we should use when communicating " "with the agent") # TODO Make non-nullable later os_class = db.Column(OperatingSystemEnum, doc="The type of operating system running on the " "agent; \"linux\", \"windows\", or \"mac\".") os_fullname = db.Column(db.String(MAX_OSNAME_LENGTH), doc="The full human-readable name of the agent's " "OS, as returned by platform.platform()") ram = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, doc="The amount of ram installed on the agent in megabytes") free_ram = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, doc="The amount of ram which was last considered free") cpus = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, doc="The number of logical CPU cores installed on the " "agent") cpu_name = db.Column(db.String(MAX_CPUNAME_LENGTH), doc="The make and model of CPUs in this agents") port = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, doc="The port the agent is currently running on") time_offset = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0, doc="The offset in seconds the agent is from " "an official time server") version = db.Column(db.String(16), nullable=True, doc="The pyfarm version number this agent is running.") upgrade_to = db.Column(db.String(16), nullable=True, doc="The version this agent should upgrade to.") restart_requested = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, doc="If True, the agent will be restarted") # host state state = db.Column(AgentStateEnum, default=AgentState.ONLINE, nullable=False, doc=dedent(""" Stores the current state of the host. This value can be changed either by a master telling the host to do something with a task or from the host via REST api.""")) last_heard_from = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, doc="Time we last had contact with this agent") last_polled = db.Column(db.DateTime, doc="Time we last tried to contact the agent") # Max allocation of the two primary resources which `1.0` is 100% # allocation. For `cpu_allocation` 100% allocation typically means # one task per cpu. ram_allocation = db.Column(db.Float, default=read_env_number( "PYFARM_AGENT_RAM_ALLOCATION", .8), doc=dedent(""" The amount of ram the agent is allowed to allocate towards work. A value of 1.0 would mean to let the agent use all of the memory installed on the system when assigning work.""")) cpu_allocation = db.Column(db.Float, default=read_env_number( "PYFARM_AGENT_CPU_ALLOCATION", 1.0), doc=dedent(""" The total amount of cpu space an agent is allowed to process work in. A value of 1.0 would mean an agent can handle as much work as the system could handle given the requirements of a task. For example if an agent has 8 cpus, cpu_allocation is .5, and a task requires 4 cpus then only that task will run on the system.""")) # relationships tasks = db.relationship("Task", backref="agent", lazy="dynamic", doc=dedent(""" Relationship between an :class:`Agent` and any :class:`pyfarm.models.Task` objects""")) tags = db.relationship("Tag", secondary=AgentTagAssociation, backref=db.backref("agents", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", doc="Tags associated with this agent") software_versions = db.relationship("SoftwareVersion", secondary=AgentSoftwareVersionAssociation, backref=db.backref("agents", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", doc="software this agent has installed " "or is configured for") mac_addresses = db.relationship("AgentMacAddress", backref="agent", lazy="dynamic", doc="The MAC addresses this agent has", cascade="save-update, merge, delete, " "delete-orphan") gpus = db.relationship("GPU", secondary=GPUInAgent, backref=db.backref("agents", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", doc="The graphics cards that are installed in this " "agent")
[docs] def is_offline(self): return self.state == AgentState.OFFLINE
[docs] def get_supported_types(self): try: return self.support_jobtype_versions except AttributeError: jobtype_versions_query = JobTypeVersion.query.filter( or_(Job.state == None, Job.state == WorkState.RUNNING))) self.support_jobtype_versions = [] for jobtype_version in jobtype_versions_query: if self.satisfies_jobtype_requirements(jobtype_version): self.support_jobtype_versions.append( return self.support_jobtype_versions
[docs] def satisfies_jobtype_requirements(self, jobtype_version): requirements_to_satisfy = list(jobtype_version.software_requirements) for software_version in self.software_versions: for requirement in list(requirements_to_satisfy): if ( == and (requirement.min_version == None or requirement.min_version.rank <= software_version.rank) and (requirement.max_version == None or requirement.max_version.rank >= software_version.rank)): requirements_to_satisfy.remove(requirement) return len(requirements_to_satisfy) == 0
[docs] def validate_hostname(cls, key, value): """ Ensures that the hostname provided by `value` matches a regular expression that expresses what a valid hostname is. """ # ensure hostname does not contain characters we can't use if not REGEX_HOSTNAME.match(value): raise ValueError("%s is not valid for %s" % (value, key)) return value
[docs] def validate_resource(cls, key, value): """ Ensure the ``value`` provided for ``key`` is within an expected range. This classmethod retrieves the min and max values from the :class:`Agent` class directory using: >>> min_value = getattr(Agent, "MIN_%s" % key.upper()) >>> max_value = getattr(Agent, "MAX_%s" % key.upper()) """ min_value = getattr(cls, "MIN_%s" % key.upper()) max_value = getattr(cls, "MAX_%s" % key.upper()) # check the provided input if not min_value <= value <= max_value: msg = "value for `%s` must be between " % key msg += "%s and %s" % (min_value, max_value) raise ValueError(msg) return value
[docs] def validate_ipv4_address(cls, _, value): """ Ensures the :attr:`ip` address is valid. This checks to ensure that the value provided is: * not a hostmask * not link local (:rfc:`3927`) * not used for multicast (:rfc:`1112`) * not a netmask (:rfc:`4632`) * not reserved (:rfc:`6052`) * a private address (:rfc:`1918`) """ if value is None: return value try: address = IPAddress(value) except (AddrFormatError, ValueError) as e: raise ValueError( "%s is not a valid address format: %s" % (value, e)) if app.config.get("ALLOW_AGENT_LOOPBACK_ADDRESSES"): loopback = lambda: False else: loopback = address.is_loopback if any([address.is_hostmask(), address.is_link_local(), loopback(), address.is_multicast(), address.is_netmask(), address.is_reserved()]): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid address type" % value) return value
[docs] def api_url(self, scheme=read_env("PYFARM_AGENT_API_SCHEME", "http"), version=read_env_int("PYFARM_AGENT_API_VERSION", 1)): """ Returns the base url which should be used to access the api of this specific agent. :except ValueError: Raised if this function is called while the agent's :attr:`use_address` column is set to ``PASSIVE`` """ assert scheme in ("http", "https") assert isinstance(version, int) if self.use_address == UseAgentAddress.REMOTE: return "%s://%s:%d/api/v%d" % ( scheme, self.remote_ip, self.port, version) elif self.use_address == UseAgentAddress.HOSTNAME: return "%s://%s:%d/api/v%d" % ( scheme, self.hostname, self.port, version) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot construct an agent API url using mode %r " "`use_address`" % self.use_address)
[docs] def validate_hostname_column(self, key, value): """Validates the hostname column""" return self.validate_hostname(key, value)
@validates("ram", "cpus", "port")
[docs] def validate_numeric_column(self, key, value): """ Validates several numerical columns. Columns such as ram, cpus and port a are validated with this method. """ return self.validate_resource(key, value)
[docs] def validate_remote_ip(self, key, value): """Validates the remote_ip column""" return self.validate_ipv4_address(key, value)