Source code for

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from decimal import Decimal

    from httplib import (
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import (

from flask import render_template, request, redirect, url_for, flash
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy import func, desc, asc, or_, distinct

from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.core.enums import WorkState, _WorkState, AgentState
from pyfarm.scheduler.tasks import delete_job, stop_task, assign_tasks
from pyfarm.models.job import (
    Job, JobDependency, JobTagAssociation, JobNotifiedUser)
from pyfarm.models.tag import Tag
from pyfarm.models.task import Task
from pyfarm.models.agent import Agent
from pyfarm.models.jobqueue import JobQueue
from pyfarm.models.jobtype import JobType, JobTypeVersion
from pyfarm.models.user import User
from pyfarm.master.application import db

logger = getLogger("")

[docs]def jobs(): queued_count_query = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count('*').label('t_queued')).\ filter(Task.state == None).group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() running_count_query = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count('*').label('t_running')).\ filter(Task.state == WorkState.RUNNING).\ group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() done_count_query = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count('*').label('t_done')).\ filter(Task.state == WorkState.DONE).\ group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() failed_count_query = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count('*').label('t_failed')).\ filter(Task.state == WorkState.FAILED).\ group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() child_count_query = db.session.query( JobDependency.c.parentid, func.count('*').label('child_count')).\ group_by(JobDependency.c.parentid).subquery() blocker_count_query = db.session.query( JobDependency.c.childid, func.count('*').label('blocker_count')).\ join(Job, == JobDependency.c.parentid).\ filter(or_(Job.state == None, Job.state != WorkState.DONE)).\ group_by(JobDependency.c.childid).subquery() agent_count_query = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count(distinct(Task.agent_id)).label('agent_count')).\ filter(Task.agent_id != None, or_(Task.state == None, Task.state == WorkState.RUNNING), Task.agent.has(Agent.state != AgentState.OFFLINE)).\ group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() jobs_query = db.session.query(Job, func.coalesce( queued_count_query.c.t_queued, 0).label('t_queued'), func.coalesce( running_count_query.c.t_running, 0).label('t_running'), func.coalesce( done_count_query.c.t_done, 0).label('t_done'), func.coalesce( failed_count_query.c.t_failed, 0).label('t_failed'), User.username,'jobtype_name'),'jobtype_id'), JobQueue.fullpath.label('jobqueue_path'), func.coalesce( child_count_query.c.child_count, 0).label('child_count'), func.coalesce( blocker_count_query.c.blocker_count, 0).label('blocker_count'), func.coalesce( agent_count_query.c.agent_count, 0).label('agent_count')).\ join(JobTypeVersion, Job.jobtype_version_id ==\ join(JobType, JobTypeVersion.jobtype_id ==\ outerjoin(JobQueue, Job.job_queue_id ==\ outerjoin(queued_count_query, == queued_count_query.c.job_id).\ outerjoin(running_count_query, == running_count_query.c.job_id).\ outerjoin(done_count_query, == done_count_query.c.job_id).\ outerjoin(failed_count_query, == failed_count_query.c.job_id).\ outerjoin(User, Job.user_id ==\ outerjoin(child_count_query, == child_count_query.c.parentid).\ outerjoin(blocker_count_query, == blocker_count_query.c.childid).\ outerjoin(agent_count_query, == agent_count_query.c.job_id) filters = {} if "tags" in request.args: filters["tags"] = request.args.get("tags") tags = request.args.get("tags").split(" ") tags = [x for x in tags if not x == ""] for tag in tags: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(Job.tags.any(Tag.tag == tag)) filters["state_paused"] = ("state_paused" in request.args and request.args["state_paused"].lower() == "true") filters["state_queued"] = ("state_queued" in request.args and request.args["state_queued"].lower() == "true") filters["state_running"] = ("state_running" in request.args and request.args["state_running"].lower() == "true") filters["state_done"] = ("state_done" in request.args and request.args["state_done"].lower() == "true") filters["state_failed"] = ("state_failed" in request.args and request.args["state_failed"].lower() == "true") no_state_filters = True if (filters["state_paused"] or filters["state_queued"] or filters["state_running"] or filters["state_done"] or filters["state_failed"]): no_state_filters = False wanted_states = [] if filters["state_paused"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.PAUSED) if filters["state_running"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.RUNNING) if filters["state_done"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.DONE) if filters["state_failed"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.FAILED) if filters["state_queued"]: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(or_( Job.state == None, Job.state.in_(wanted_states))) else: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(Job.state.in_(wanted_states)) if "title" in request.args: title = request.args.get("title") filters["title"] = title if title != "": jobs_query = jobs_query.filter( Job.title.ilike("%%%s%%" % title)) filters["hidden_filter"] = ("hidden_filter" in request.args and request.args["hidden_filter"].lower() == "true") filters["hidden"] = False filters["not_hidden"] = True if filters["hidden_filter"]: filters["hidden"] = ("hidden" in request.args and request.args["hidden"].lower() == "true") filters["not_hidden"] = ("not_hidden" in request.args and request.args["not_hidden"].lower() == "true") if not filters["hidden"]: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(Job.hidden != True) if not filters["not_hidden"]: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(Job.hidden != False) filters["no_user"] = ("no_user" in request.args and request.args["no_user"].lower == "true") if "u" in request.args or filters["no_user"]: user_ids = request.args.getlist("u") user_ids = [int(x) for x in user_ids] if filters["no_user"]: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(or_( Job.user_id.in_(user_ids), Job.user_id == None)) else: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(Job.user_id.in_(user_ids)) filters["u"] = user_ids if "jt" in request.args: jobtype_ids = request.args.getlist("jt") jobtype_ids = [int(x) for x in jobtype_ids] jobs_query = jobs_query.filter( filters["jt"] = jobtype_ids order_dir = "desc" order_by = "time_submitted" if "order_by" in request.args: order_by = request.args.get("order_by") if order_by not in ["title", "state", "time_submitted", "t_queued", "t_running", "t_failed", "t_done", "username", "jobtype_name", "agent_count", "priority", "weight", "jobqueue_path"]: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Unknown order key %r. Options are 'title', 'state', " "'time_submitted', 't_queued', 't_running', 't_failed', " "'t_done', 'username', 'agent_count', 'priority', 'weight' " "or 'jobqueue_path'" % order_by), BAD_REQUEST) if "order_dir" in request.args: order_dir = request.args.get("order_dir") if order_dir not in ["asc", "desc"]: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Unknown order direction %r. Options are 'asc' or 'desc'" % order_dir), BAD_REQUEST) if order_by == "time_submitted" and order_dir == "desc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(desc(Job.time_submitted)) elif order_by == "time_submitted" and order_dir == "asc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(asc(Job.time_submitted)) elif order_by == "state" and order_dir == "desc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(desc(Job.state)) elif order_by == "state" and order_dir == "asc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(asc(Job.state)) elif order_by == "weight" and order_dir == "asc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(asc(Job.weight)) elif order_by == "weight" and order_dir == "desc": jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by(desc(Job.weight)) else: jobs_query = jobs_query.order_by("%s %s" % (order_by, order_dir)) jobs_count = jobs_query.count() per_page = int(request.args.get("per_page", 100)) page = int(request.args.get("page", 1)) filters["per_page"] = per_page filters["page"] = page num_pages = 1 all_pages = [] if per_page > 0: jobs_query = jobs_query.offset((page - 1) * per_page).limit(per_page) num_pages = int(jobs_count / per_page) if jobs_count % per_page > 0: num_pages = num_pages + 1 all_pages = range(0, num_pages) jobs = jobs_query.all() users_query = User.query jobtypes_query = JobType.query tags_by_job_query = db.session.query(JobTagAssociation.c.job_id, Tag.tag).\ join(Tag, tags_by_job_id = {} for association in tags_by_job_query: if association[0] not in tags_by_job_id: tags_by_job_id[association[0]] = [association[1]] else: tags_by_job_id[association[0]] += [association[1]] filters_and_order = filters.copy() filters_and_order.update({"order_by": order_by, "order_dir": order_dir}) filters_and_order_wo_pagination = filters_and_order.copy() del filters_and_order_wo_pagination["per_page"] del filters_and_order_wo_pagination["page"] return render_template("pyfarm/user_interface/jobs.html", jobs=jobs, filters=filters, order_by=order_by, order_dir=order_dir, order={"order_by": order_by, "order_dir": order_dir}, no_state_filters=no_state_filters, users=users_query, filters_and_order=filters_and_order, jobtypes=jobtypes_query, tags_by_job_id=tags_by_job_id, jobs_count=jobs_count, all_pages=all_pages, num_pages=num_pages, filters_and_order_wo_pagination=\ filters_and_order_wo_pagination)
[docs]def single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) first_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by("frame asc").first() last_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by("frame desc").first() tasks = job.tasks.order_by(Task.frame) jobqueues = JobQueue.query.all() users_query = User.query.filter( != None) latest_jobtype_version = db.session.query(JobTypeVersion.version).filter_by( jobtype=job.jobtype_version.jobtype).\ order_by(desc(JobTypeVersion.version)).first() return render_template("pyfarm/user_interface/job.html", job=job, tasks=tasks, first_task=first_task, last_task=last_task, queues=jobqueues, users=users_query, latest_jobtype_version=latest_jobtype_version[0])
[docs]def delete_single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.to_be_deleted = True db.session.add(job) child_job_ids = [] for child in job.children: child.to_be_deleted = True child_job_ids.append( db.session.add(child) db.session.commit() for id_ in child_job_ids + [job_id]:"Marking job %s for deletion", id_) delete_job.delay(id_) flash("Job %s will be deleted." % job.title) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def delete_multiple_jobs(): job_ids = request.form.getlist("job_id") job_ids_to_delete = [] for job_id in job_ids: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.to_be_deleted = True db.session.add(job) job_ids_to_delete.append( for child in job.children: child.to_be_deleted = True job_ids_to_delete.append( db.session.add(child) db.session.commit() for id_ in job_ids_to_delete:"Marking job %s for deletion", id_) delete_job.delay(id_) flash("Selected jobs will be deleted.") if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def rerun_single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state != WorkState.RUNNING: task.state = None task.agent = None task.failures = 0 db.session.add(task) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Job %s will be run again." % job.title) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def rerun_multiple_jobs(): job_ids = request.form.getlist("job_id") for job_id in job_ids: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state != WorkState.RUNNING: task.state = None task.agent = None task.failures = 0 db.session.add(task) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Selected jobs will be run again.") if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def rerun_failed_in_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state == _WorkState.FAILED: task.state = None task.agent = None task.failures = 0 db.session.add(task) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Failed tasks in job %s will be run again." % job.title) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def rerun_failed_in_multiple_jobs(): job_ids = request.form.getlist("job_id") for job_id in job_ids: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state == _WorkState.FAILED: task.state = None task.agent = None task.failures = 0 db.session.add(task) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Failed tasks in selected jobs will be run again.") if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def pause_single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state == WorkState.RUNNING: stop_task.delay( job.state = WorkState.PAUSED db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Job %s will be paused." % job.title) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def pause_multiple_jobs(): job_ids = request.form.getlist("job_id") for job_id in job_ids: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) for task in job.tasks: if task.state == WorkState.RUNNING: stop_task.delay( job.state = WorkState.PAUSED db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Selected jobs will be paused.") if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def unpause_single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Job %s is unpaused." % job.title) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def unpause_multiple_jobs(): job_ids = request.form.getlist("job_id") for job_id in job_ids: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Selected jobs are unpaused") if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("jobs_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def alter_frames_in_single_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) start = Decimal(request.form['start']) end = Decimal(request.form['end']) by = Decimal(request.form['by']) try: job.alter_frame_range(start, end, by) except ValueError as e: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error=e), BAD_REQUEST) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Frame selection for job %s has been changed." % job.title) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def alter_scheduling_parameters_for_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.priority = int(request.form['priority']) job.weight = int(request.form['weight']) if request.form['minimum_agents']: job.minimum_agents = int(request.form['minimum_agents']) else: job.minimum_agents = None if request.form['maximum_agents']: job.maximum_agents = int(request.form['maximum_agents']) else: job.maximum_agents = None job.batch = int(request.form['batch']) job.requeue = int(request.form['requeue']) if request.form['queue']: queue_id = int(request.form['queue']) queue = JobQueue.query.filter_by(id=queue_id).first() if not queue: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Queue %s not found" % queue_id), NOT_FOUND) job.queue = queue else: job.queue = None db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Scheduling parameters for job %s have been changed." % job.title) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def alter_autodeletion_for_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) if request.form['autodelete_time']: job.autodelete_time = int(request.form['autodelete_time']) db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Scheduling parameters for job %s have been changed." % job.title) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def update_notes_for_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) job.notes = request.form['notes'] db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Free form notes for job %s have been edited." % job.title) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def add_notified_user_to_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) user_id = request.form['user'] user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if not user: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="User %s not found" % user_id), NOT_FOUND) notified_user = JobNotifiedUser(user=user, job=job) notified_user.on_success = ("on_success" in request.form and request.form["on_success"] == "true") notified_user.on_failure = ("on_failure" in request.form and request.form["on_failure"] == "true") notified_user.on_deletion = ("on_deletion" in request.form and request.form["on_deletion"] == "true") db.session.add(notified_user) db.session.commit() flash("User %s has been added as notified user to job %s." % (user.username, job.title)) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def remove_notified_user_from_job(job_id, user_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if not user: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="User %s not found" % user_id), NOT_FOUND) notified_user = JobNotifiedUser.query.filter_by(user=user, job=job).first() if notified_user: db.session.delete(notified_user) db.session.commit() flash("User %s has been removed from notified users for job %s." % (user.username, job.title)) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def upgrade_job_to_latest_jobtype_version(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) latest_version = JobTypeVersion.query.filter_by( jobtype=job.jobtype_version.jobtype).\ order_by(desc(JobTypeVersion.version)).first() if not latest_version: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Jobtype %s has no versions" % job.jobtype_id), INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) job.jobtype_version = latest_version db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Job %s has been upgraded to jobtype %s, version %s." % (job.title,, job.jobtype_version.version)) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def update_tags_in_job(job_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) tagnames = request.form["tags"].split(" ") tagnames = [x for x in tagnames if not x == ""] tags = [] for name in tagnames: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=name).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=name) db.session.add(tag) tags.append(tag) job.tags = tags db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() flash("Tags for job %s have been updated." % job.title) return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def rerun_single_task(job_id, task_id): job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_id).first() if not job: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Job %s not found" % job_id), NOT_FOUND) task = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id, job=job).first() if not task: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Task %s not found" % task_id), NOT_FOUND) if task.state == WorkState.RUNNING: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Cannot rerun task while it is " "still running"), BAD_REQUEST) task.state = None task.agent = None task.failures = 0 if Job.state != WorkState.RUNNING: job.state = None db.session.add(job) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() assign_tasks.delay() flash("Task %s (frame %s) in job %s will be run again." % (, task.frame, job.title)) if "next" in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get("next"), SEE_OTHER) else: return redirect(url_for("single_job_ui",, SEE_OTHER)