Source code for pyfarm.master.user_interface.agents

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

    from httplib import BAD_REQUEST, NOT_FOUND, SEE_OTHER
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import BAD_REQUEST, NOT_FOUND, SEE_OTHER

from flask import render_template, request, url_for, redirect, flash
from sqlalchemy import or_

from pyfarm.core.enums import WorkState
from pyfarm.scheduler.tasks import restart_agent, assign_tasks_to_agent
from pyfarm.models.agent import Agent
from pyfarm.models.tag import Tag
from pyfarm.models.task import Task
from import Software, SoftwareVersion
from pyfarm.master.application import db

[docs]def agents(): agents_query = Agent.query filters = {} if "tags" in request.args: filters["tags"] = request.args.get("tags") tags = request.args.get("tags").split(",") tags = [x for x in tags if not x == ""] if tags: agents_query = agents_query.filter(Agent.tags.any(Tag.tag.in_(tags))) if "state" in request.args: state = request.args.get("state") filters["state"] = state # TODO Use the actual AgentState enum here if state not in ["online", "offline", "disabled", "running", ""]: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="unknown state"), BAD_REQUEST) if state != "": agents_query = agents_query.filter(Agent.state == state) if "hostname" in request.args: hostname = request.args.get("hostname") filters["hostname"] = hostname if hostname != "": agents_query = agents_query.filter( Agent.hostname.ilike("%%%s%%" % hostname)) order_dir = "asc" order_by = "hostname" if "order_by" in request.args: order_by = request.args.get("order_by") if order_by not in ["hostname", "remote_ip", "state"]: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="unknown order key"), BAD_REQUEST) if "order_dir" in request.args: order_dir = request.args.get("order_dir") if order_dir not in ["asc", "desc"]: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="unknown order dir"), BAD_REQUEST) agents_query = agents_query.order_by("%s %s" % (order_by, order_dir)) agents = agents_query.all() return render_template("pyfarm/user_interface/agents.html", agents=agents, filters=filters, order_by=order_by, order_dir=order_dir, order={"order_by": order_by, "order_dir": order_dir})
[docs]def single_agent(agent_id): agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Agent %s not found" % agent_id), NOT_FOUND) tasks = Task.query.filter(Task.agent == agent, or_(Task.state == None, Task.state == WorkState.RUNNING)).\ order_by(Task.job_id, Task.frame) return render_template("pyfarm/user_interface/agent.html", agent=agent, tasks=tasks, software_items=Software.query)
[docs]def restart_single_agent(agent_id): agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Agent %s not found" % agent_id), NOT_FOUND) agent.restart_requested = True db.session.add(agent) db.session.commit() restart_agent.delay( flash("Agent %s will be restarted" % agent.hostname) return redirect(url_for("agents_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def delete_single_agent(agent_id): agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Agent %s not found" % agent_id), NOT_FOUND) db.session.delete(agent) db.session.commit() flash("Agent %s has been deleted" % agent.hostname) return redirect(url_for("agents_index_ui"), SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def agent_add_software(agent_id): agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Agent %s not found" % agent_id), NOT_FOUND) software = Software.query.filter_by(id=int(request.form["software"])).first() if not software: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Software %s not found" % request.form["software"]), NOT_FOUND) version = SoftwareVersion.query.filter_by( id=int(request.form["version"]), software=software).first() if not version: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Software version %s not found" % request.form["version"]), NOT_FOUND) agent.software_versions.append(version) db.session.add(agent) db.session.add(version) db.session.commit() assign_tasks_to_agent.delay( flash("Software %s %s has been added to agent %s" % (, version.version, agent.hostname)) return redirect(url_for("single_agent_ui",, SEE_OTHER)
[docs]def agent_delete_software(agent_id, version_id): agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Agent %s not found" % agent_id), NOT_FOUND) version = SoftwareVersion.query.filter_by(id=version_id).first() if not version: return (render_template( "pyfarm/error.html", error="Software version %s not found" % version_id), NOT_FOUND) agent.software_versions.remove(version) db.session.add(agent) db.session.commit() flash("Software %s %s removed from agent %s" % (, version.version, agent.hostname)) return redirect(url_for("single_agent_ui",, SEE_OTHER)