Source code for pyfarm.master.application

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


Contains the functions necessary to construct the application layer classes
necessary to run the master.

import os
from datetime import timedelta
from multiprocessing.util import register_after_fork
from uuid import UUID

except ImportError:
    from http.client import BAD_REQUEST, UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, request, g, abort
from flask.ext.login import LoginManager
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy import event
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter, ValidationError

from pyfarm.core.enums import NOTSET, STRING_TYPES, PY3
from pyfarm.core.config import Configuration, read_env, read_env_bool
from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger

    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data",
    "application/zip", "text/csv"))

config = Configuration("pyfarm.master")

logger = getLogger("app")

[docs]class UUIDConverter(BaseConverter): """ A URL converter for UUIDs. This class is loaded as part of the Flask application setup and may be used in url routing: .. code-block:: python @app.route('/foo/<uuid:value>') def foobar(value): pass When a request such as ``GET /foo/F9A63B47-66BF-4E2B-A545-879986BB7CA9`` is made :class:`UUIDConverter` will receive ``value`` to :meth:`to_python` which will then convert the string to an instance of :class:`UUID`. """
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, UUID): return value try: return UUID(value) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to convert %r to a UUID", e) raise ValidationError
[docs] def to_url(self, value): # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class if PY3 and isinstance(value, bytes): try: value = UUID(bytes=value) except (AttributeError, ValueError): value = None if isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): try: value = UUID(value) except Exception: try: value = UUID(bytes=value) except (AttributeError, ValueError): value = None if not isinstance(value, UUID): raise ValidationError return super(UUIDConverter, self).to_url(value)
[docs]def get_application(**configuration_keywords): """ Returns a new application context. If keys and values are provided to ``config_values`` they will be used to override the default configuration values or create new ones >>> app = get_application(TESTING=True) >>> assert app.testing is True :keyword bool setup_appcontext: If ``True`` then setup the ``flask.g`` variable to include the application level information (ex. ``g.db``) """ # build the configuration if read_env("PYFARM_CONFIG", "debug") == "debug": secret_key = read_env( "PYFARM_SECRET_KEY", "NG4pWsOCw57DnRfDncO3wqYpPnvDvMO", log_result=False) app_config = { "DEBUG": True, "SECRET_KEY": secret_key, "LOGIN_DISABLED": read_env("PYFARM_LOGIN_DISABLED", False, eval_literal=True), "PYFARM_JSON_PRETTY": read_env("PYFARM_JSON_PRETTY", True, eval_literal=True), "SQLALCHEMY_ECHO": read_env("PYFARM_SQL_ECHO", False, eval_literal=True), "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": read_env("PYFARM_DATABASE_URI", "sqlite:///pyfarm.sqlite", log_result=False), "CSRF_SESSION_KEY": read_env("PYFARM_CSRF_SESSION_KEY", secret_key, log_result=False), "CACHE_TYPE": read_env("PYFARM_CACHE_TYPE", "simple"), "REMEMBER_COOKIE_DURATION": timedelta(hours=1)} else: secret_key = read_env("PYFARM_SECRET_KEY", log_result=False) app_config = { "DEBUG": False, "SECRET_KEY": secret_key, "LOGIN_DISABLED": read_env("PYFARM_LOGIN_DISABLED", False, eval_literal=True), "PYFARM_JSON_PRETTY": read_env("PYFARM_JSON_PRETTY", False, eval_literal=True), "SQLALCHEMY_ECHO": read_env("PYFARM_SQL_ECHO", False, eval_literal=True), "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": read_env("PYFARM_DATABASE_URI", "sqlite:///pyfarm.sqlite", log_result=False), "CSRF_SESSION_KEY": read_env("PYFARM_CSRF_SESSION_KEY", secret_key, log_result=False), "CACHE_TYPE": read_env("PYFARM_CACHE_TYPE", "simple"), "REMEMBER_COOKIE_DURATION": timedelta(hours=12)} app_config.setdefault( "JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR", app_config.get("PYFARM_JSON_PRETTY", True)) app_config.setdefault( "ALLOW_AGENT_LOOPBACK_ADDRESSES", read_env_bool("PYFARM_DEV_ALLOW_AGENT_LOOPBACK_ADDRESSES", False)) app_config.setdefault( "PYFARM_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT", config.get("timestamp_format") or read_env("PYFARM_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")) static_folder = configuration_keywords.pop("static_folder", None) if static_folder is None: # static folder not provided import pyfarm.master static_folder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(pyfarm.master.__file__), "static") app = Flask("pyfarm.master", static_folder=static_folder) app.config.update(app_config) app.config.update(configuration_keywords) app.url_map.converters["uuid"] = UUIDConverter @app.context_processor def template_context_processor(): return { "timestamp_format": app.config["PYFARM_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT"] } return app
[docs]def get_sqlalchemy(app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None): """ Constructs and returns an instance of :class:`.SQLAlchemy`. Any keyword arguments provided will be passed to the constructor of :class:`.SQLAlchemy` """ db = SQLAlchemy( app=app, use_native_unicode=use_native_unicode, session_options=session_options) # sqlite specific configuration for development if == "sqlite": @event.listens_for(Engine, "connect") def set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record): cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON") cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF") cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY") cursor.close() # When the web application is forked any existing connections # need to be disposed of. This generally only seems to be a problem # with Postgres, more specifically psycopg2, but doing this globally # should not have any ill effects. This problem was discovered while # testing the Agent using uwsgi 2.0.3, nginx 1.4.6, Postgres 9.1, and # psycopg2 2.5.2. The bug does not present itself 100% of the time # making it difficult to test reliably. The fix below is based # on a fix made to Celery which had the exact same problem ours did: # # # This implementation however is based on the suggestion made in Celery # 3.1's release notes: # register_after_fork(db.engine, db.engine.dispose) return db
[docs]def get_api_blueprint(url_prefix=None): """ Constructs and returns an instance of :class:`.Blueprint` for routing api requests. :param string url_prefix: The url prefix for the api such as ``/api/v1``. If not provided then value will be derived from :envvar:`PYFARM_API_PREFIX` and/or :envvar:`PYFARM_API_VERSION` """ if url_prefix is None: url_prefix = read_env("PYFARM_API_PREFIX", "/api/v%s" % read_env("PYFARM_API_VERSION", "1")) return Blueprint("api", "pyfarm.master.api", url_prefix=url_prefix)
[docs]def get_login_manager(**kwargs): """ Constructs and returns an instance of :class:`.LoginManager`. Any keyword arguments provided will be passed to the constructor of :class:`LoginManager` """ login_view = kwargs.pop("login_view", "/login/") manager = LoginManager(**kwargs) manager.login_view = login_view return manager
[docs]def get_login_serializer(secret_key): """ Constructs and returns and instance of :class:`.URLSafeTimedSerializer` """ return URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key)
[docs]def before_request(): """ Global before_request handler that will handle common problems when trying to accept json data to the api. """ g.json = NOTSET g.error = None if request.method not in POST_METHODS or \ request.mimetype in IGNORED_MIMETYPES: pass elif request.mimetype == "application/json": # manually handle decoding errors from get_json() # so we can produce a better error message try: g.json = request.get_json() except (ValueError, BadRequest): # pragma: no cover g.error = "failed to decode json" # see if there just was not any data to decode if not request.get_data(): g.error = "no data to decode" abort(BAD_REQUEST) elif request.get_data(): g.error = "Unsupported media type %r" % request.mimetype abort(UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) # main object setup (app, api, etc)
app = get_application() api = get_api_blueprint() db = get_sqlalchemy(app=app) login_manager = get_login_manager(app=app, login_view="/login/") login_serializer = get_login_serializer(app.secret_key) # attach the remaining functions to the application object app.register_blueprint(api) app.before_request_funcs.setdefault(None, []).append(before_request)
[docs]class SessionMixin(object): """ Mixin which adds a :attr:`._session` attribute. This class is provided mainly to limit issues with circular imports. """ _session = property(fget=lambda self: db.session)