Source code for pyfarm.models.task

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Task Models

Models and interface classes related to tasks

from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime

from sqlalchemy import event

from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.core.enums import WorkState, _WorkState
from pyfarm.master.application import db
from pyfarm.master.config import config
from pyfarm.models.core.types import IDTypeAgent, IDTypeWork
from pyfarm.models.core.functions import work_columns, repr_enum
from pyfarm.models.core.mixins import (
    ValidatePriorityMixin, UtilityMixins, ReprMixin, ValidateWorkStateMixin)

__all__ = ("Task", )

logger = getLogger("models.task")

[docs]class Task(db.Model, ValidatePriorityMixin, ValidateWorkStateMixin, UtilityMixins, ReprMixin): """ Defines a task which a child of a :class:`Job`. This table represents rows which contain the individual work unit(s) for a job. """ __tablename__ = config.get("table_task") STATE_ENUM = list(WorkState) + [None] STATE_DEFAULT = None REPR_COLUMNS = ("id", "state", "frame", "project") REPR_CONVERT_COLUMN = {"state": partial(repr_enum, enum=STATE_ENUM)} # shared work columns id, state, priority, time_submitted, time_started, time_finished = \ work_columns(STATE_DEFAULT, "job.priority") agent_id = db.Column( IDTypeAgent, db.ForeignKey("" % config.get("table_agent")), doc="Foreign key which stores :attr:``") job_id = db.Column( IDTypeWork, db.ForeignKey("" % config.get("table_job")), nullable=False, doc="Foreign key which stores :attr:``") hidden = db.Column( db.Boolean, default=False, doc="When True this hides the task from queue and web ui") attempts = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0, doc="The number of attempts which have been made on this " "task. This value is auto incremented when " "``state`` changes to a value synonymous with a " "running state.") failures = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0, doc="The number of times this task has failed. This value " "is auto incremented when :attr:`state` changes to a " "value synonymous with a failed state.") frame = db.Column( db.Numeric(10, 4), nullable=False, doc="The frame this :class:`Task` will be executing.") tile = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=True, doc="When using tiled rendering, the number of the tile this task " "refers to. The jobtype will have to translate that into an " "actual image region. This will be NULL if the job doesn't use " "tiled rendering.") last_error = db.Column( db.UnicodeText, nullable=True, doc="This column may be set when an error is " "present. The agent typically sets this " "column when the job type either can't or " "won't run a given task. This column will " "be cleared whenever the task's state is " "returned to a non-error state.") sent_to_agent = db.Column( db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, doc="Whether this task was already sent to the assigned agent") progress = db.Column( db.Float, default=0.0, doc="The progress for this task, as a value between " "0.0 and 1.0. Used purely for display purposes.") # # Relationships # job = db.relationship( "Job", backref=db.backref("tasks", lazy="dynamic"), doc="relationship attribute which retrieves the " "associated job for this task")
[docs] def running(self): return self.state == WorkState.RUNNING
[docs] def failed(self): return self.state == WorkState.FAILED
[docs] def increment_attempts(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): if new_value is not None and new_value != old_value: target.attempts += 1
[docs] def log_assign_change(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): logger.debug("Agent change for task %s: old %s new: %s",, old_value, new_value)
[docs] def update_failures(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): if new_value == WorkState.FAILED and new_value != old_value: target.failures += 1 if target not in target.agent.failed_tasks: target.agent.failed_tasks.append(target)
[docs] def set_progress_on_success(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): if new_value == WorkState.DONE: target.progress = 1.0
[docs] def update_agent_on_success(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): if new_value == WorkState.DONE: agent = target.agent if agent: agent.last_success_on = datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(agent)
[docs] def reset_agent_if_failed_and_retry( target, new_value, old_value, initiator): # There's nothing else we should do here if # we don't have a parent job. This can happen if you're # testing or a job is disconnected from a task. if target.job is None: return new_value if (new_value == WorkState.FAILED and target.failures <= target.job.requeue):"Failed task %s will be retried", target.agent_id = None return None else: return new_value
[docs] def clear_error_state(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): """ Sets ``last_error`` column to ``None`` if the task's state is 'done' """ if new_value == WorkState.DONE and target.last_error is not None: target.last_error = None
[docs] def set_times(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): """update the datetime objects depending on the new value""" if (new_value == _WorkState.RUNNING and (old_value not in [_WorkState.RUNNING, _WorkState.PAUSED] or target.time_started == None)): if not target.job.jobtype_version.no_automatic_start_time: target.time_started = datetime.utcnow() target.time_finished = None elif (new_value in (_WorkState.DONE, _WorkState.FAILED) and not target.time_finished): target.time_finished = datetime.utcnow()
[docs] def reset_finished_time(target, new_value, old_value, initiator): if (target.state not in (_WorkState.DONE, _WorkState.FAILED) or new_value is None): target.time_finished = None elif new_value is not None: if target.time_finished is not None: target.time_finished = max(target.time_finished, new_value) else: target.time_finished = max(new_value, datetime.utcnow())
event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.clear_error_state) event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.set_times) event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.update_failures) event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.set_progress_on_success) event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.update_agent_on_success) event.listen(Task.agent_id, "set", Task.increment_attempts) event.listen(Task.agent_id, "set", Task.log_assign_change) event.listen(Task.state, "set", Task.reset_agent_if_failed_and_retry, retval=True) event.listen(Task.time_started, "set", Task.reset_finished_time)