Source code for pyfarm.models.jobqueue

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Copyright 2015 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Job Queue Model

Model for job queues

from sys import maxsize
from functools import reduce
from logging import DEBUG

from sqlalchemy import event, distinct, or_, and_
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.core.enums import WorkState, _WorkState, AgentState
from pyfarm.master.application import db
from pyfarm.master.config import config
from pyfarm.models.core.mixins import UtilityMixins, ReprMixin
from pyfarm.models.core.types import id_column, IDTypeWork
from pyfarm.models.agent import Agent

PREFER_RUNNING_JOBS = config.get("queue_prefer_running_jobs")
USE_TOTAL_RAM = config.get("use_total_ram_for_scheduling")
logger = getLogger("pf.models.jobqueue")

if config.get("debug_queue"):

[docs]class JobQueue(db.Model, UtilityMixins, ReprMixin): """ Stores information about a job queue. Used for flexible, configurable distribution of computing capacity to jobs. """ __tablename__ = config.get("table_job_queue") __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("parent_jobqueue_id", "name"),) REPR_COLUMNS = ("id", "name") id = id_column(IDTypeWork) parent_jobqueue_id = db.Column( IDTypeWork, db.ForeignKey("" % config.get("table_job_queue")), nullable=True, doc="The parent queue of this queue. If NULL, this is a top " "level queue.") name = db.Column( db.String(config.get("max_queue_name_length")), nullable=False, doc="The name of the job queue") minimum_agents = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=True, doc="The scheduler will try to assign at least this number of " "agents to jobs in or below this queue as long as it " "can use them, before any other considerations.") maximum_agents = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=True, doc="The scheduler will never assign more than this number of " "agents to jobs in or below this queue.") priority = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=False, default=config.get("queue_default_priority"), doc="The priority of this job queue. The scheduler will not " "assign any nodes to other job queues or jobs with the " "same parent and a lower priority as long as this one " "can still use nodes. The minimum_agents column takes " "precedence over this.") weight = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=False, default=config.get("queue_default_weight"), doc="The weight of this job queue. The scheduler will " "distribute available agents between jobs and job " "queues in the same queue in proportion to their " "weights.") fullpath = db.Column( db.String(config.get("max_queue_path_length")), doc="The path of this jobqueue. This column is a " "database denormalization. It is technically " "redundant, but faster to access than recursively " "querying all parent queues. If set to NULL, the " "path must be computed by recursively querying " "the parent queues.") # # Relationship # parent = db.relationship( "JobQueue", remote_side=[id], backref=db.backref("children", lazy="dynamic"), doc="Relationship between this queue its parent")
[docs] def path(self): # Import here instead of at the top to break circular dependency from pyfarm.scheduler.tasks import cache_jobqueue_path if self.fullpath: return self.fullpath else: cache_jobqueue_path.delay( path = "/%s" % ( or "") if self.parent: return self.parent.path() + path else: return path
[docs] def child_queues_sorted(self): """ Return child queues sorted by number of currently assigned agents with priority as a secondary sort key. """ queues = [x for x in self.children] return sorted(queues, key=lambda x: x.num_assigned_agents(), reverse=True)
[docs] def child_jobs(self, filters): # Import down here instead of at the top to avoid circular import from pyfarm.models.job import Job jobs_query = Job.query if jobs_query = jobs_query.filter_by(queue=self) wanted_states = [] if filters["state_paused"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.PAUSED) if filters["state_running"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.RUNNING) if filters["state_done"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.DONE) if filters["state_failed"]: wanted_states.append(WorkState.FAILED) if filters["state_queued"]: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter(or_( Job.state == None, Job.state.in_(wanted_states))) else: jobs_query = jobs_query.filter( Job.state.in_(wanted_states)) return sorted(jobs_query.all(), key=lambda x: x.num_assigned_agents(), reverse=True)
[docs] def num_assigned_agents(self): try: return self.assigned_agents_count except AttributeError: # Import down here instead of at the top to avoid circular import from pyfarm.models.task import Task from pyfarm.models.job import Job self.assigned_agents_count = 0 for queue in self.children: self.assigned_agents_count += queue.num_assigned_agents() self.assigned_agents_count +=\ db.session.query(distinct(Task.agent_id)).\ filter(Task.job.has(Job.queue == self), Task.agent_id != None, Task.agent.has( and_(Agent.state != AgentState.OFFLINE, Agent.state != AgentState.DISABLED)), or_(Task.state == None, Task.state == WorkState.RUNNING)).count() return self.assigned_agents_count
[docs] def clear_assigned_counts(self): try: del self.assigned_agents_count except AttributeError: pass if self.parent: self.parent.clear_assigned_counts()
[docs] def get_job_for_agent(self, agent, unwanted_job_ids=None): # Import down here instead of at the top to avoid circular import from pyfarm.models.job import Job supported_types = agent.get_supported_types() if not supported_types: return None available_ram = agent.ram if USE_TOTAL_RAM else agent.free_ram child_jobs = Job.query.filter(or_(Job.state == WorkState.RUNNING, Job.state == None), Job.job_queue_id ==, ~Job.parents.any(or_( Job.state == None, Job.state != WorkState.DONE)), Job.jobtype_version_id.in_( supported_types), Job.ram <= available_ram).all() child_jobs = [x for x in child_jobs if (agent.satisfies_job_requirements(x) and not in unwanted_job_ids)] if unwanted_job_ids: child_jobs = [x for x in child_jobs if not in unwanted_job_ids] child_queues = JobQueue.query.filter( JobQueue.parent_jobqueue_id == # Before anything else, enforce minimums for job in child_jobs: if job.state == _WorkState.RUNNING: if (job.num_assigned_agents() < (job.minimum_agents or 0) and job.num_assigned_agents() < (job.maximum_agents or maxsize) and job.can_use_more_agents()): return job elif job.minimum_agents and job.minimum_agents > 0: return job for queue in child_queues: if (queue.num_assigned_agents() < (queue.minimum_agents or 0) and queue.num_assigned_agents() < (queue.maximum_agents or maxsize)): job = queue.get_job_for_agent(agent, unwanted_job_ids) if job: return job objects_by_priority = {} for queue in child_queues: if queue.priority in objects_by_priority: objects_by_priority[queue.priority] += [queue] else: objects_by_priority[queue.priority] = [queue] for job in child_jobs: if job.priority in objects_by_priority: objects_by_priority[job.priority] += [job] else: objects_by_priority[job.priority] = [job] available_priorities = sorted(objects_by_priority.keys(), reverse=True) # Work through the priorities in descending order for priority in available_priorities: objects = objects_by_priority[priority] active_objects = [x for x in objects if (type(x) != Job or x.state == _WorkState.RUNNING)] weight_sum = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b.weight, active_objects, 0) total_assigned = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b.num_assigned_agents(), objects, 0) objects.sort(key=(lambda x: ((float(x.num_assigned_agents()) / total_assigned) if total_assigned else 0) / ((float(x.weight) / weight_sum) if weight_sum and x.weight else 1))) selected_job = None for item in objects: if isinstance(item, Job): if item.state == _WorkState.RUNNING: if (item.can_use_more_agents() and item.num_assigned_agents() < (item.maximum_agents or maxsize)): if PREFER_RUNNING_JOBS: return item elif (selected_job is None or selected_job.time_submitted > item.time_submitted): selected_job = item elif (selected_job is None or selected_job.time_submitted > item.time_submitted): # If this job is not running yet, remember it, but keep # looking for already running or queued but older jobs selected_job = item if isinstance(item, JobQueue): if (item.num_assigned_agents() < (item.maximum_agents or maxsize)): job = item.get_job_for_agent(agent, unwanted_job_ids) if job: return job if selected_job: return selected_job return None
[docs] def top_level_unique_check(mapper, connection, target): if target.parent_jobqueue_id is None: count = JobQueue.query.filter_by(parent_jobqueue_id=None, if count > 0: raise ValueError("Cannot have two jobqueues named %r at the " "top level" %
event.listen(JobQueue, "before_insert", JobQueue.top_level_unique_check)