Source code for pyfarm.master.api.pathmaps

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Path Maps

API endpoints for viewing and managing path maps

except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import OK, CREATED, BAD_REQUEST, NOT_FOUND, NO_CONTENT

from flask import g
from flask.views import MethodView

from sqlalchemy import or_

from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.core.enums import STRING_TYPES
from pyfarm.models.pathmap import PathMap
from pyfarm.models.tag import Tag
from pyfarm.models.agent import Agent
from pyfarm.master.application import db
from pyfarm.master.config import config
from pyfarm.master.utility import (
    jsonify, validate_with_model, get_uuid_argument)

logger = getLogger("api.pathmaps")

[docs]def schema(): """ Returns the basic schema of :class:`.Agent` .. http:get:: /api/v1/pathmaps/schema HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/pathmaps/schema HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": "INTEGER", "path_linux": "VARCHAR(512)", "path_windows": "VARCHAR(512)", "path_osx": "VARCHAR(512)", "tag": "VARCHAR(64)" } :statuscode 200: no error """ out = PathMap.to_schema() del out["tag_id"] out["tag"] = "VARCHAR(%s)" % config.get("max_tag_length") return jsonify(out)
[docs]class PathMapIndexAPI(MethodView): @validate_with_model(PathMap, disallow=("id", ), ignore=("tag_id", "tag"))
[docs] def post(self): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will create a new path map. A path map will list the equivalent path prefixes for all three supported families of operating systems, Linux, Windows and OS X. A path map can optionally be restricted to one tag, in which case it will only apply to agents with that tag. If a tag is specified that does not exist yet, that tag will be transparently created. .. http:post:: /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs", "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server", "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs", "tag": "production" } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs", "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server", "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs", "tag": "production" } :statuscode 201: a new pathmap was created :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) """ tagname = g.json.pop("tag", None) if tagname: if not isinstance(tagname, STRING_TYPES): return jsonify(error="tag must be of type string"), BAD_REQUEST pathmap = PathMap(**g.json) if tagname: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=tagname).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tagname) db.session.add(tag) pathmap.tag = tag db.session.add(pathmap) db.session.commit() out = pathmap.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False) if pathmap.tag: out["tag"] = pathmap.tag.tag"New pathmap created with values: %r", pathmap) return jsonify(out), CREATED
[docs] def get(self): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a list of all registered path maps, with id. It can be made with a for_agent query parameter, in which case it will return only those path maps that apply to that agent. .. http:get:: /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/pathmaps/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "id": 1, "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs", "path_windows": "\\\\domains\\cifs_server", "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs" }, { "id": 7, "path_osx": "/renderout", "path_windows": "c:\\renderout", "path_linux": "/renderout" "tag": "usual", } ] :statuscode 200: no error """ query = PathMap.query for_agent = get_uuid_argument("for_agent") if for_agent: query = query.filter(or_(PathMap.tag == None, PathMap.tag.has(Tag.agents.any( == for_agent)))) logger.debug("Query: %s", str(query)) output = [] for map in query: map_dict = map.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False) if map.tag: map_dict["tag"] = map.tag.tag del map_dict["tag_id"] output.append(map_dict) return jsonify(output), OK
[docs]class SinglePathMapAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def get(self, pathmap_id): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a single path map specified by pathmap_id .. http:get:: /api/v1/pathmaps/<int:pathmap_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/pathmaps/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs", "path_windows": "\\\\domains\\cifs_server", "path_linux": "/mnt/nfs" } :statuscode 200: no error """ pathmap = PathMap.query.filter_by(id=pathmap_id).first() if not pathmap: return jsonify(error="No pathmap with that id"), NOT_FOUND out = pathmap.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False) if pathmap.tag: out["tag"] = pathmap.tag.tag del out["tag_id"] return jsonify(out), OK
[docs] def post(self, pathmap_id): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will update an existing path map with new values. Only the values included in the request will be updated. The rest will be left unchanged. The id column cannot be changed. Including it in the request will lead to an error. .. http:post:: /api/v1/pathmaps/<int:pathmap_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/pathmaps/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "path_linux": "/mnt/smb" } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "path_linux": "/mnt/smb", "path_windows": "\\domain\cifs_server", "path_osx": "/mnt/nfs", "tag": "production" } :statuscode 200: the specified pathmap was updated :statuscode 404: the specified pathmap does not exist :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) """ pathmap = PathMap.query.filter_by(id=pathmap_id).first() if not pathmap: return jsonify(error="No pathmap with that id"), NOT_FOUND if "id" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="ID column cannot be included in the request"), BAD_REQUEST) tagname = g.json.pop("tag", None) if tagname: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=tagname).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tagname) db.session.add(tag) pathmap.tag = tag for name in PathMap.types().columns: if name in g.json: expected_type = PathMap.types().mappings[name] value = g.json.pop(name) if not isinstance(value, expected_type): return (jsonify(error="Column `%s` is of type %r, but we " "expected %r" % (name, type(value), expected_type)), BAD_REQUEST) setattr(pathmap, name, value) if g.json: return jsonify(error="Unknown columns: %r" % g.json), BAD_REQUEST db.session.add(pathmap) db.session.commit() out = pathmap.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False) if pathmap.tag: out["tag"] = pathmap.tag.tag del out["tag_id"]"Pathmap with id %s was updated, new data: %r", pathmap_id, out) return jsonify(out), OK
[docs] def delete(self, pathmap_id): """ A ``DELETE`` to this endpoint will remove the specified pathmap .. http:delete:: /api/v1/pathmaps/<int:pathmap_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/pathmaps/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO_CONTENT :statuscode 204: the path map was deleted or did not exist in the first place """ pathmap = PathMap.query.filter_by(id=pathmap_id).first() if not pathmap: return jsonify(None), NO_CONTENT db.session.delete(pathmap) db.session.commit()"deleted pathmap id %s", pathmap_id) return jsonify(None), NO_CONTENT