Source code for

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


This module defines an API for managing and querying jobs

from decimal import Decimal
from json import loads
from datetime import datetime

    from httplib import (
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import (

from flask.views import MethodView
from flask import g, request

from sqlalchemy.sql import func, or_

from pyfarm.core.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.core.enums import STRING_TYPES, NUMERIC_TYPES, WorkState, _WorkState
from pyfarm.scheduler.tasks import (
    assign_tasks_to_agent, assign_tasks, delete_job)
from pyfarm.models.statistics.task_event_count import TaskEventCount
from pyfarm.models.jobtype import JobType, JobTypeVersion
from pyfarm.models.task import Task
from pyfarm.models.user import User
from pyfarm.models.job import Job, JobNotifiedUser
from import (
    Software, SoftwareVersion, JobSoftwareRequirement)
from pyfarm.models.tag import Tag, JobTagRequirement
from pyfarm.models.jobqueue import JobQueue
from pyfarm.models.agent import Agent
from pyfarm.master.application import db
from pyfarm.master.utility import (
    jsonify, validate_with_model, get_request_argument)
from pyfarm.master.config import config

RANGE_TYPES = NUMERIC_TYPES[:-1] + (Decimal, )

  # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
  range_ = xrange
except NameError:
  range_ = range

logger = getLogger("")

# Load model mappings once per process
TASK_MODEL_MAPPINGS = Task.types().mappings
AUTOCREATE_USERS = config.get("autocreate_users")
AUTO_USER_EMAIL = config.get("autocreate_user_email")
DEFAULT_JOB_DELETE_TIME = config.get("default_job_delete_time")

[docs]class ObjectNotFound(Exception): pass
[docs]def parse_requirements(requirements): """ Takes a list dicts specifying a software and optional min- and max-versions and returns a list of :class:`JobRequirement` objects. Raises TypeError if the input was not as expected or ObjectNotFound if a referenced software or version was not found. :param list requirements: A list of of dicts specifying a software and optionally min_version and/or max_version. :raises TypeError: Raised if ``requirements`` is not a list or if an entry in ``requirements`` is not a dictionary. :raises ValueError: Raised if there's a problem with the content of at least one of the requirement dictionaries. :raises ObjectNotFound: Raised if the referenced software or version was not found """ if not isinstance(requirements, list): raise TypeError("software_requirements must be a list") out = [] for entry in requirements: if not isinstance(entry, dict): raise TypeError("Every software_requirement must be a dict") requirement = JobSoftwareRequirement() software_name = entry.pop("software", None) if software_name is None: raise ValueError("Software requirement does not specify a software.") software = Software.query.filter_by(software=software_name).first() if not software: raise ObjectNotFound("Software %s not found" % software_name) = software min_version_str = entry.pop("min_version", None) if min_version_str is not None: min_version = SoftwareVersion.query.filter( == software, SoftwareVersion.version == min_version_str).first() if not min_version: raise ObjectNotFound("Version %s of software %s not found" % (min_version_str, software_name)) requirement.min_version = min_version max_version_str = entry.pop("max_version", None) if max_version_str is not None: max_version = SoftwareVersion.query.filter( == software, SoftwareVersion.version == max_version_str).first() if not max_version: raise ObjectNotFound("Version %s of software %s not found" % (max_version_str, software_name)) requirement.max_version = max_version if entry: raise ValueError("Unexpected keys in software requirement: %r" % entry.keys()) out.append(requirement) return out
[docs]def schema(): """ Returns the basic schema of :class:`.Job` .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/schema HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/schema HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "batch": "INTEGER", "by": "NUMERIC(10, 4)", "cpus": "INTEGER", "data": "JSONDict", "end": "NUMERIC(10,4)", "environ": "JSONDict", "hidden": "BOOLEAN", "id": "INTEGER", "jobtype": "VARCHAR(64)", "jobtype_version": "INTEGER", "jobqueue": "VARCHAR(255)", "notes": "TEXT", "priority": "INTEGER", "project_id": "INTEGER", "ram": "INTEGER", "ram_max": "INTEGER", "ram_warning": "INTEGER", "requeue": "INTEGER", "start": "NUMERIC(10,4)", "state": "WorkStateEnum", "time_finished": "DATETIME", "time_started": "DATETIME", "time_submitted": "DATETIME", "title": "VARCHAR(255)", "user": "VARCHAR(255)" } :statuscode 200: no error """ schema_dict = Job.to_schema() # These columns are not part of the actual database model, but will be # dynamically computed by the api schema_dict["start"] = "NUMERIC(10,4)" schema_dict["end"] = "NUMERIC(10,4)" schema_dict["user"] = "VARCHAR(%s)" % config.get("max_username_length") schema_dict["jobqueue"] = \ "VARCHAR(%s)" % config.get("max_queue_name_length") # In the database, we are storing the jobtype_version_id, but over the wire, # we are using the jobtype's name plus version to identify it del schema_dict["jobtype_version_id"] # Same for user_id del schema_dict["user_id"] # jobqueue too del schema_dict["job_queue_id"] schema_dict["jobtype"] = \ "VARCHAR(%s)" % config.get("job_type_max_name_length") schema_dict["jobtype_version"] = "INTEGER" return jsonify(schema_dict), OK
[docs]class JobIndexAPI(MethodView): @validate_with_model(Job, type_checks={"by": lambda x: isinstance( x, RANGE_TYPES)}, ignore=["start", "end", "jobtype", "jobtype_version", "user", "jobqueue", "tag_requirements"], disallow=["jobtype_version_id", "time_submitted", "time_started", "time_finished", "job_queue_id"])
[docs] def post(self): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will submit a new job. .. http:post:: /api/v1/jobs/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/jobs/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "end": 2.0, "title": "Test Job 2", "jobtype": "TestJobType", "data": { "foo": "bar" }, "software_requirements": [ { "software": "blender" } ], "start": 1.0 } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json { "time_finished": null, "time_started": null, "end": 2.0, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:40:58.335259", "jobtype_version": 1, "jobtype": "TestJobType", "jobqueue": None "start": 1.0, "priority": 0, "state": "queued", "parents": [], "hidden": false, "project_id": null, "ram_warning": null, "title": "Test Job 2", "tags": [], "user": null, "by": 1.0, "data": { "foo": "bar" }, "ram_max": null, "notes": "", "batch": 1, "project": null, "environ": null, "requeue": 3, "software_requirements": [ { "min_version": null, "max_version": null, "max_version_id": null, "software_id": 1, "min_version_id": null, "software": "blender" } ], "tag_requirements": [ { "tag": "workstation", "negate": true } ], "id": 2, "ram": 32, "cpus": 1, "children": [] } :statuscode 201: a new job item was created :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) :statuscode 404: a referenced object, like a software or software version, does not exist :statuscode 409: a conflicting job already exists """ if "jobtype" not in g.json: return jsonify(error="No jobtype specified"), BAD_REQUEST if not isinstance(g.json["jobtype"], STRING_TYPES): return jsonify(error="jobtype must be of type string"), BAD_REQUEST q = JobTypeVersion.query.filter( JobTypeVersion.jobtype.has( == g.json["jobtype"])) del g.json["jobtype"] if "jobtype_version" in g.json: if not isinstance(g.json["jobtype_version"], int): return (jsonify(error="jobtype_version must be of type int"), BAD_REQUEST) q = q.filter(JobTypeVersion.version == g.json["jobtype_version"]) del g.json["jobtype_version"] jobtype_version = q.order_by("version desc").first() if not jobtype_version: return jsonify("Jobtype or version not found"), NOT_FOUND software_requirements = [] if "software_requirements" in g.json: try: software_requirements = parse_requirements( g.json["software_requirements"]) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: return jsonify(error=e.args), BAD_REQUEST except ObjectNotFound as e: return jsonify(error=e.args), NOT_FOUND del g.json["software_requirements"] parents = [] if "parents" in g.json: for parent_job_data in g.json["parents"]: parent_job = Job.query.filter_by( id=parent_job_data["id"]).first() if not parent_job: return (jsonify("Parent job %s not found" % parent_job_data["id"] ), NOT_FOUND) parents.append(parent_job) del g.json["parents"] tag_names = g.json.pop("tags", None) tags = [] if tag_names: for tag_name in tag_names: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=tag_name).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tag_name) tags.append(tag) user = None username = g.json.pop("user", None) if username: user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if not user and AUTOCREATE_USERS: user = User(username=username) if AUTO_USER_EMAIL: = AUTO_USER_EMAIL.format(username=username) db.session.add(user) logger.warning("User %s was autocreated on job submit", username) elif not user: return (jsonify( error="User %s not found" % username), NOT_FOUND) jobqueue = None jobqueue_name = g.json.pop("jobqueue", None) if jobqueue_name: path_elements = jobqueue_name.split("/") for element in path_elements: jobqueue = JobQueue.query.filter_by( parent=jobqueue, name=element).first() if not jobqueue: return (jsonify(error="Jobqueue %s not found" % jobqueue_name), NOT_FOUND) notified_usernames = g.json.pop("notified_users", None) tag_requirements = g.json.pop("tag_requirements", None) g.json.pop("start", None) g.json.pop("end", None) job = Job(**g.json) job.jobtype_version = jobtype_version job.software_requirements = software_requirements job.parents = parents job.tags = tags job.user = user job.queue = jobqueue job.autodelete_time = g.json.get("autodelete_time", DEFAULT_JOB_DELETE_TIME) if notified_usernames: for entry in notified_usernames: user = User.query.filter_by(username=entry["username"]).first() if not user and AUTOCREATE_USERS: username = entry["username"] user = User(username=username) if AUTO_USER_EMAIL: = AUTO_USER_EMAIL.format(username=username) db.session.add(user) db.session.flush() logger.warning("User %s was autocreated on job submit", username) elif not user: return (jsonify( error="User %s not found" % entry["username"]), NOT_FOUND) notified_user = JobNotifiedUser(user=user, job=job) if "on_success" in entry: notified_user.on_success = entry["on_success"] if "on_failure" in entry: notified_user.on_failure = entry["on_failure"] if "on_deletion" in entry: notified_user.on_deletion = entry["on_deletion"] db.session.add(notified_user) if tag_requirements: for entry in tag_requirements: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=entry["tag"]).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=entry["tag"]) db.session.add(tag) tag_requirement = JobTagRequirement(job=job, tag=tag) if entry["negate"]: tag_requirement.negate = True db.session.add(tag_requirement) custom_json = loads(, parse_float=Decimal) if "end" in custom_json and "start" not in custom_json: return (jsonify(error="`end` is specified while `start` is not"), BAD_REQUEST) start = custom_json.get("start", Decimal("1.0")) end = custom_json.get("end", start) if (not isinstance(start, RANGE_TYPES) or not isinstance(end, RANGE_TYPES)): return (jsonify(error="`start` and `end` need to be of type decimal " "or int"), BAD_REQUEST) if not end >= start: return (jsonify(error="`end` must be larger than or equal to start"), BAD_REQUEST) by = custom_json.pop("by", Decimal("1.0")) if not isinstance(by, RANGE_TYPES): return (jsonify(error="`by` needs to be of type decimal or int"), BAD_REQUEST) num_tiles = g.json.get("num_tiles", None) if not jobtype_version.supports_tiling and num_tiles is not None: return (jsonify(error="`num_tiles` is set, but this " "jobtype does not support tiling."), BAD_REQUEST) job.alter_frame_range(start, end, by) db.session.add(job) db.session.add_all(software_requirements) db.session.commit() job_data = job.to_dict(unpack_relationships=["tags", "data", "software_requirements", "parents", "children", "notified_users", "tag_requirements"]) job_data["start"] = start job_data["end"] = end del job_data["jobtype_version_id"] job_data["jobtype"] = job_data["jobtype_version"] = job.jobtype_version.version job_data["user"] = job.user.username if job.user else None del job_data["user_id"] job_data["jobqueue"] = job.queue.path() if job.queue else None del job_data["job_queue_id"] job_data["jobgroup"] = if else None if job.state is None: num_assigned_tasks = Task.query.filter(Task.job == job, Task.agent != None).count() if num_assigned_tasks > 0: job_data["state"] = "running" else: job_data["state"] = "queued""Created new job %r", job_data) assign_tasks.delay() return jsonify(job_data), CREATED
[docs] def get(self): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a list of all jobs. .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "title": "Test Job", "state": "queued", "id": 1 }, { "title": "Test Job 2", "state": "queued", "id": 2 } ] :statuscode 200: no error """ jobtype_name = get_request_argument("jobtype") user_name = get_request_argument("user") job_title = get_request_argument("title") jobqueue_names = [] if "jobqueue" in request.args: jobqueue_names = request.args.getlist("jobqueue") out = [] subq = db.session.query( Task.job_id, func.count('assigned_tasks_count')).\ filter(Task.agent_id != None).group_by(Task.job_id).subquery() q = db.session.query(, Job.title, Job.state, subq.c.assigned_tasks_count).\ outerjoin(subq, == subq.c.job_id) if jobtype_name is not None: jobtype = JobType.query.filter_by(name=jobtype_name).first() if not jobtype: return (jsonify(error="Jobtype %s not found" % jobtype_name), NOT_FOUND) q = q.join(JobTypeVersion, Job.jobtype_version_id == q = q.filter(JobTypeVersion.jobtype == jobtype) if user_name is not None: user = User.query.filter_by(username=user_name).first() if not user: return (jsonify(error="User %s not found" % user_name), NOT_FOUND) q = q.filter(Job.user == user) if jobqueue_names: jobqueue_ids = [] for jobqueue_name in jobqueue_names: jobqueue = JobQueue.query.filter_by( fullpath=jobqueue_name).first() if not jobqueue: return ( jsonify(error="Jobqueue %s not found" % jobqueue_name), NOT_FOUND) jobqueue_ids.append( q = q.filter(Job.job_queue_id.in_(jobqueue_ids)) if job_title: q = q.filter(Job.title.ilike("%%%s%%" % job_title)) for id, title, state, assigned_tasks_count in q: data = {"id": id, "title": title} if state is None and not assigned_tasks_count: data["state"] = "queued" elif state is None: data["state"] = "assigned" else: data["state"] = str(state) out.append(data) return jsonify(out), OK
[docs]class SingleJobAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def get(self, job_name): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return the specified job, by name or id. .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>] HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job%202 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "ram_warning": null, "title": "Test Job", "state": "queued", "jobtype_version": 1, "jobtype": "TestJobType", "environ": null, "user": null, "priority": 0, "time_finished": null, "start": 2.0, "id": 1, "notes": "", "notified_users": [] "ram": 32, "tags": [], "hidden": false, "data": { "foo": "bar" }, "software_requirements": [ { "software": "blender", "software_id": 1, "min_version": null, "max_version": null, "min_version_id": null, "max_version_id": null } ], "tag_requirements": [ { "tag": "workstation", "negate": true } ], "batch": 1, "time_started": null, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:40:58.335259", "requeue": 3, "end": 4.0, "parents": [], "cpus": 1, "ram_max": null, "children": [], "by": 1.0, "project_id": null } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: job not found """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND job_data = job.to_dict(unpack_relationships=["tags", "data", "software_requirements", "parents", "children", "notified_users", "tag_requirements"]) first_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by("frame asc").first() last_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by("frame desc").first() if not first_task or not last_task: # pragma: no cover return (jsonify(error="Job does not have any tasks"), INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) job_data["start"] = first_task.frame job_data["end"] = last_task.frame job_data["jobtype"] = job_data["jobtype_version"] = job.jobtype_version.version job_data["user"] = job.user.username if job.user else None del job_data["user_id"] job_data["jobqueue"] = job.queue.path() if job.queue else None del job_data["job_queue_id"] job_data["jobgroup"] = if else None if job.state is None: num_assigned_tasks = Task.query.filter(Task.job == job, Task.agent != None).count() if num_assigned_tasks > 0: job_data["state"] = "running" else: job_data["state"] = "queued" del job_data["jobtype_version_id"] return jsonify(job_data), OK
[docs] def post(self, job_name): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will update the specified job with the data in the request. Columns not specified in the request will be left as they are. If the "start", "end" or "by" columns are updated, tasks will be created or deleted as required. .. http:post:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>] HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http PUT /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "start": 2.0 } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 OK Content-Type: application/json { "end": 4.0, "children": [], "jobtype_version": 1, "jobtype": "TestJobType", "time_started": null, "tasks_failed": [], "project_id": null, "id": 1, "software_requirements": [ { "software": "blender", "min_version": null, "max_version_id": null, "software_id": 1, "max_version": null, "min_version_id": null } ], "tags": [], "environ": null, "requeue": 3, "start": 2.0, "ram_warning": null, "title": "Test Job", "batch": 1, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:40:58.335259", "ram_max": null, "user": null, "notes": "", "data": { "foo": "bar" }, "tag_requirements": [ { "tag": "workstation", "negate": true } ], "ram": 32, "parents": [], "hidden": false, "priority": 0, "cpus": 1, "state": "queued", "by": 1.0, "time_finished": null } :statuscode 200: the job was updated :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND if "tiles" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="Frame tiling cannot be updated after job " "creation."), BAD_REQUEST) old_first_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by( "frame asc").first() old_last_task = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by( "frame desc").first() if not old_first_task or not old_last_task: # pragma: no cover return (jsonify(error="Job does not have any tasks"), INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) start = old_first_task.frame end = old_last_task.frame if "start" in g.json or "end" in g.json or "by" in g.json: json = loads(, parse_float=Decimal) start = Decimal(json.pop("start", old_first_task.frame)) end = Decimal(json.pop("end", old_last_task.frame)) by = Decimal(json.pop("by", try: job.alter_frame_range(start, end, by) except ValueError as e: return (jsonify( error=str(e)), BAD_REQUEST) if "parents" in g.json: parents = [] for parent_job_data in g.json["parents"]: parent_job = Job.query.filter_by( id=parent_job_data["id"]).first() if not parent_job: return (jsonify("Parent job %s not found" % parent_job_data["id"] ), NOT_FOUND) parents.append(parent_job) job.parents = parents username = g.json.pop("user", None) if username: user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if not user: return (jsonify( error="User %s not found" % username), NOT_FOUND) job.user = user jobqueue_name = g.json.pop("jobqueue", None) if jobqueue_name: jobqueue = None path_elements = jobqueue_name.split("/") for element in path_elements: jobqueue = JobQueue.query.filter_by( parent=jobqueue, name=element).first() if not jobqueue: return (jsonify(error="Jobqueue %s not found" % jobqueue_name), NOT_FOUND) job.queue = jobqueue if "time_started" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="`time_started` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "time_finished" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="`time_finished` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "time_submitted" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="`time_submitted` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "jobtype_version_id" in g.json: return (jsonify(error= "`jobtype_version_id` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "jobgroup" in g.json: return (jsonify(error= "`jobgroup` cannot be set directly, use " " job_group_id."), BAD_REQUEST) for name in Job.types().columns: if name in g.json: type = Job.types().mappings[name] value = g.json.pop(name) if not isinstance(value, type): return jsonify(error="Column `%s` is of type %r, but we " "expected %r" % (name, type(value), type)) setattr(job, name, value) if "software_requirements" in g.json: try: job.software_requirements = parse_requirements( g.json["software_requirements"]) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: return jsonify(error=e.args), BAD_REQUEST except ObjectNotFound as e: return jsonify(error=e.args), NOT_FOUND del g.json["software_requirements"] tag_requirements = g.json.pop("tag_requirements", None) if tag_requirements: job.tag_requirements = [] for entry in tag_requirements: tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag=entry["tag"]).first() if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=entry["tag"]) db.session.add(tag) tag_requirement = JobTagRequirement(job=job, tag=tag) if entry["negate"]: tag_requirement.negate = True db.session.add(tag_requirement) jobtype_version_number = g.json.pop("jobtype_version", None) if jobtype_version_number: jobtype_version = JobTypeVersion.query.filter_by( jobtype=job.jobtype_version.jobtype, version=jobtype_version_number).first() if not jobtype_version: return (jsonify(error="Unknown jobtype version: %s" % jobtype_version), BAD_REQUEST) job.jobtype_version = jobtype_version g.json.pop("start", None) g.json.pop("end", None) if g.json: return jsonify(error="Unknown columns: %r" % g.json), BAD_REQUEST db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() job_data = job.to_dict(unpack_relationships=["tags", "data", "software_requirements", "parents", "children", "tag_requirements"]) job_data["start"] = start job_data["end"] = end del job_data["jobtype_version_id"] job_data["jobtype"] = job_data["jobtype_version"] = job.jobtype_version.version job_data["user"] = job.user.username if job.user else None del job_data["user_id"] job_data["jobqueue"] = job.queue.path if job.queue else None del job_data["job_queue_id"] job_data["jobgroup"] = if else None if job.state is None: num_assigned_tasks = Task.query.filter(Task.job == job, Task.agent != None).count() if num_assigned_tasks > 0: job_data["state"] = "running" else: job_data["state"] = "queued""Job %s has been updated to: %r",, job_data) assign_tasks.delay() return jsonify(job_data), OK
[docs] def delete(self, job_name): """ A ``DELETE`` to this endpoint will mark the specified job for deletion and remove it after stopping and removing all of its tasks. .. http:delete:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>] HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/jobs/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO_CONTENT :statuscode 204: the specified job was marked for deletion :statuscode 404: the job does not exist """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND job.to_be_deleted = True child_job_ids = [] for child_job in job.children: child_job.to_be_deleted = True child_job_ids.append( db.session.add(child_job) db.session.add(job) db.session.commit() for id_ in child_job_ids + []:"Marking job %s for deletion", id_) delete_job(id_) return jsonify(None), NO_CONTENT
[docs]class JobTasksIndexAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def get(self, job_name): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a list of all tasks in a job. .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/tasks HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job%202/tasks/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "hidden": false, "id": 3, "attempts": 0, "priority": 0, "time_started": null, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:49:51.892228", "frame": 1.0, "time_finished": null, "job_id": 2, "project_id": null, "state": "queued", "agent_id": null }, { "hidden": false, "id": 4, "attempts": 0, "priority": 0, "time_started": null, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:49:51.892925", "frame": 2.0, "time_finished": null, "job_id": 2, "project_id": null, "state": "queued", "agent_id": null } ] :statuscode 200: no error """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found", id=job_name), NOT_FOUND tasks_q = Task.query.filter_by(job=job).order_by("frame asc") out = [] for task in tasks_q: data = task.to_dict(unpack_relationships=False) if task.state == None and task.agent == None: data["state"] = "queued" elif task.state == None: data["state"] = "assigned" out.append(data) return jsonify(out), OK
[docs]class JobSingleTaskAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def post(self, job_name, task_id): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will update the specified task with the data in the request. Columns not specified in the request will be left as they are. The agent will use this endpoint to inform the master of its progress. .. http:post:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/tasks/<int:task_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http PUT /api/v1/job/Test%20Job/tasks/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "state": "running" } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "time_finished": null, "agent": null, "attempts": 0, "failures": 0, "frame": 2.0, "agent_id": null, "job": { "id": 1, "title": "Test Job" }, "time_started": null, "state": "running", "project_id": null, "id": 2, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:40:58.338904", "project": null, "parents": [], "job_id": 1, "hidden": false, "children": [], "priority": 0 } :statuscode 200: the task was updated :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) """ task_query = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id) if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): task_query.filter(Task.job.has(Job.title == job_name)) else: task_query.filter(Task.job.has( == job_name)) task = task_query.first() if not task: return jsonify(error="Task not found"), NOT_FOUND if "time_started" in g.json and g.json["time_started"] != "now": return (jsonify(error="`time_started` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) elif "time_started" in g.json and g.json["time_started"] == "now": g.json["time_started"] = datetime.utcnow() if "time_finished" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="`time_finished` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "time_submitted" in g.json: return (jsonify(error="`time_submitted` cannot be set manually"), BAD_REQUEST) if "job_id" in g.json: return jsonify(error="`job_id` cannot be changed"), BAD_REQUEST if "frame" in g.json: return jsonify(error="`frame` cannot be changed"), BAD_REQUEST if (("state" in g.json or "progress" in g.json) and request.headers.get("User-Agent", "") == "PyFarm/1.0 (agent)" and (task.agent is None or request.remote_addr != task.agent.remote_ip)): logger.error("Agent with IP address %s tried to set state or " "progress for task %s. IP address for assigned agent " "is %s. Request rejected.", request.remote_addr,, (task.agent.remote_ip if task.agent else "(n/a)")) return jsonify(error="`state` and `progress` can only be changed " "by the agent owning this task"), BAD_REQUEST if (task.state == _WorkState.DONE and "progress" in g.json and g.json["progress"] != 1.0): return jsonify(error="Cannot set progress: task is already in " "state `done`"), BAD_REQUEST new_state = g.json.pop("state", None) agent = task.agent state_transition = False if new_state is not None and new_state != task.state:"Task %s of job %s: state transition \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", task_id, task.job.title, task.state, new_state) state_transition = True if new_state != "queued": task.state = new_state else: task.state = None # Iterate over all keys in the request for key in list(g.json): if key in TASK_MODEL_MAPPINGS: value = g.json.pop(key) expected_types = TASK_MODEL_MAPPINGS[key] # incorrect type for `value` if not isinstance(value, (expected_types, type(None))): return (jsonify( error="Column %r is of type %r but we expected " "type(s) %r" % (key, type(value), expected_types)), BAD_REQUEST) # correct type for `value` setattr(task, key, value) if g.json: return (jsonify(error="Unknown columns in request: %r" % g.json), BAD_REQUEST) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() task_data = task.to_dict(unpack_relationships=("job", "agent", "children", "parents", "project")) if task.state is None and task.agent is None: task_data["state"] = "queued" elif task.state is None: task_data["state"] = "assigned""Task %s of job %s has been updated, new data: %r", task_id, task.job.title, task_data) if agent: task_count = Task.query.filter( Task.agent == agent, or_(Task.state == None, Task.state == WorkState.RUNNING)).\ order_by(Task.job_id, Task.frame).count() if task_count == 0: assign_tasks_to_agent.delay( # This needs to be done after the transaction in which the task state # was set has committed, so that the new transaction will see the results # of other threads that were running concurrently but finished earlier. if task.job and state_transition: old_state = task.job.state task.job.update_state() db.session.commit() if task.job.state != old_state and task.job.state == WorkState.DONE: assign_tasks.delay() if config.get("enable_statistics") and task.job and state_transition: task_event_count = TaskEventCount( job_queue_id=task.job.job_queue_id) if new_state == "queued": task_event_count.num_restarted = 1 elif new_state == "running": task_event_count.num_started = 1 elif new_state == "done": task_event_count.num_done = 1 elif new_state == "failed": task_event_count.num_failed = 1 task_event_count.time_start = datetime.utcnow() task_event_count.time_end = datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(task_event_count) db.session.commit() return jsonify(task_data), OK
[docs] def get(self, job_name, task_id): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return the requested task .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/tasks/<int:task_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job%202/tasks/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "time_finished": null, "agent": null, "attempts": 0, "frame": 2.0, "agent_id": null, "job": { "id": 1, "title": "Test Job" }, "time_started": null, "state": "running", "project_id": null, "id": 2, "time_submitted": "2014-03-06T15:40:58.338904", "project": null, "parents": [], "job_id": 1, "hidden": false, "children": [], "priority": 0 } :statuscode 200: no error """ task_query = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id) if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): task_query.filter(Task.job.has(Job.title == job_name)) else: task_query.filter(Task.job.has( == job_name)) task = task_query.first() if not task: return jsonify(error="Task not found"), NOT_FOUND task_data = task.to_dict(unpack_relationships=("job", "agent", "children", "parents", "project")) if task.state is None and task.agent is None: task_data["state"] = "queued" elif task.state is None: task_data["state"] = "assigned" return jsonify(task_data), OK
[docs]class TaskFailedOnAgentsIndexAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def get(self, job_id, task_id): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a list of all agents that failed to execute this task .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/<int:job_id>/tasks/<int:task_id>/failed_on_agents/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/12/tasks/1234/failed_on_agents/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "id": "02f08241-c556-4355-9e5e-33243d8c4577", "hostname": "agent1" } ] :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: job or task not found """ task_query = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id) task_query.filter(Task.job.has( == job_id)) task = task_query.first() if not task: return jsonify(error="Task not found"), NOT_FOUND out = [] for agent in task.failed_in_agents: out.append({"hostname": agent.hostname, "id":}) return jsonify(out), OK
[docs] def post(self, job_id, task_id): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will add the specified agent to the list of agents that failed to execute this task .. http:post:: /api/v1/jobs/<int:id>/tasks/<int:task_id>/failed_on_agents/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/jobs/12/tasks/1234/failed_on_agents/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json { "id": "02f08241-c556-4355-9e5e-33243d8c4577" } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json { "id": "02f08241-c556-4355-9e5e-33243d8c4577", "hostname": "agent1" } :statuscode 201: a new entry was created :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) :statuscode 404: the job, task or agent specified does not exist """ task_query = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id) task_query.filter(Task.job.has( == job_id)) task = task_query.first() if not task: return jsonify(error="Task not found"), NOT_FOUND agent_id = g.json.get("id") agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return jsonify(error="Agent not found"), NOT_FOUND if agent not in task.failed_in_agents: task.failed_in_agents.append(agent) db.session.add(task) db.session.commit() return jsonify({"id": agent_id, "hostname": agent.hostname}), CREATED
[docs]class SingleTaskOnAgentFailureAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def delete(self, job_id, task_id, agent_id): """ A ``DELETE`` to this endpoint will remove the specified agent from the list of agents that failed to execute this task .. http:delete:: /api/v1/jobs/<int:id>/tasks/<int:task_id>/failed_on_agents/<str:agent_id> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/jobs/12/tasks/1234/failed_on_agents/02f08241-c556-4355-9e5e-33243d8c4577 HTTP/1.1 **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO_CONTENT :statuscode 204: the given agent was removed from the list of agents that failed to execute this task :statuscode 404: the job, task or agent does not exist """ task_query = Task.query.filter_by(id=task_id) task_query.filter(Task.job.has( == job_id)) task = task_query.first() if not task: return jsonify(error="Task not found"), NOT_FOUND agent = Agent.query.filter_by(id=agent_id).first() if not agent: return jsonify(error="Agent not found"), NOT_FOUND if agent in task.failed_in_agents: task.failed_in_agents.remove(agent) return jsonify(), NO_CONTENT
[docs]class JobNotifiedUsersIndexAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def get(self, job_name): """ A ``GET`` to this endpoint will return a list of all users to be notified on events in this job. .. http:get:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/notified_users/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job%202/notified_users/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "id": 1, "username": "testuser", "email": "testuser@localhost" } ] :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: job not found """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND out = [] for notified_user in job.notified_users: out.append({ "id": notified_user.user_id, "username": notified_user.user.username, "email":, "on_success": notified_user.on_success, "on_failure": notified_user.on_failure, "on_deletion": notified_user.on_deletion}) return jsonify(out), OK
[docs] def post(self, job_name): """ A ``POST`` to this endpoint will add the specified user to the list of notified users for this job. .. http:post:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/notified_users/ HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job/notified_users/ HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json { "username": "testuser" "on_success": true, "on_failure": true, "on_deletion": false } **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1 "username": "testuser" "email": "" } :statuscode 201: a new notified user entry was created :statuscode 400: there was something wrong with the request (such as invalid columns being included) :statuscode 404: the job or the specified user does not exist """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND if "username" not in g.json: return jsonify(error="No username specified"), BAD_REQUEST username = g.json.pop("username") user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if not user: return jsonify("User %s not found" % username), NOT_FOUND notified_user = JobNotifiedUser(job=job, user=user) if "on_success" in g.json: notified_user.on_success = g.json.pop("on_success") if "on_failure" in g.json: notified_user.on_failure = g.json.pop("on_failure") if "on_deletion" in g.json: notified_user.on_deletion = g.json.pop("on_deletion") if g.json: return jsonify(error="Unknown fields in request"), BAD_REQUEST db.session.add(notified_user) db.session.commit()"Added user %s (id %s) to notified users for job %s (%s)", user.username,, job.title, return (jsonify({ "id":, "username": user.username, "email":, "on_success": notified_user.on_success, "on_failure": notified_user.on_failure, "on_deletion": notified_user.on_deletion}), CREATED)
[docs]class JobSingleNotifiedUserAPI(MethodView):
[docs] def delete(self, job_name, username): """ A ``DELETE`` to this endpoint will remove the specified user from the list of notified users for this job. .. http:delete:: /api/v1/jobs/[<str:name>|<int:id>]/notified_users/<str:username> HTTP/1.1 **Request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/jobs/Test%20Job/notified_users/testuser HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json **Response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 NO_CONTENT :statuscode 204: the notified user was removed from this job or wasn't in the list in the first place :statuscode 404: the job or the specified user does not exist """ if isinstance(job_name, STRING_TYPES): job = Job.query.filter_by(title=job_name).first() else: job = Job.query.filter_by(id=job_name).first() if not job: return jsonify(error="Job not found"), NOT_FOUND user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if not user: return jsonify(error="User %s not found" % username), NOT_FOUND notified_user = JobNotifiedUser.query.filter_by( job=job, user=user).first() if not notified_user: return jsonify(), NO_CONTENT db.session.delete(notified_user) db.session.commit()"Removed user %s (id %s) from notified users for " "job %s (%s)", user.username,, job.title, return jsonify(), NO_CONTENT