pyfarm.agent.http.core.server module

HTTP Server

HTTP server responsible for serving requests that control or query the running agent. This file produces a service that the pyfarm.agent.manager.service.ManagerServiceMaker class can consume on start.

class pyfarm.agent.http.core.server.Site(resource, requestFactory=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twisted.web.server.Site

Site object similar to Twisted’s except it also carries along some of the internal agent data.

displayTracebacks = True
class pyfarm.agent.http.core.server.StaticPath(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twisted.web.static.File

More secure version of File that does not list directories. In addition this will also sending along a response header asking clients to cache to data.

EXPIRES = 604800

Overrides File.render() and sets the expires header


Override which ensures directories cannot be listed