Source code for pyfarm.agent.sysinfo.system

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2013 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


Information about the operating system including type, filesystem information,
and other relevant information.  This module may also contain os specific
information such as the Linux distribution, Windows version, bitness, etc.

import os
import platform
import sys
import time
import tempfile
import uuid
from os.path import isfile

import psutil

from pyfarm.agent.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.agent.utility import remove_file

logger = getLogger("agent.sysinfo")

# Determine if file system is case sensitive
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
    _filesystem_is_case_sensitive = \
        not all(map(isfile, [path, path.lower(), path.upper()]))

    except OSError:  # pragma: no cover

    remove_file(path, retry_on_exit=True, raise_=False)
    del fd, path

# Determine if environment is case sensitive
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    envvar_lower = "PYFARM_CHECK_ENV_CASE_" + uuid.uuid4().hex
    envvar_upper = envvar_lower.upper()

    # populate environment then compare the difference
    os.environ.update({envvar_lower: "0", envvar_upper: "1"})
    _environment_is_case_sensitive = \
        os.environ[envvar_lower] != os.environ[envvar_upper]

    # remove the envvars we just made
    for envvar in (envvar_lower, envvar_upper):
        os.environ.pop(envvar, None)

    del envvar, envvar_lower, envvar_upper

[docs]def filesystem_is_case_sensitive(): # pragma: no cover """returns True if the file system is case sensitive""" return _filesystem_is_case_sensitive
[docs]def environment_is_case_sensitive(): """returns True if the environment is case sensitive""" return _environment_is_case_sensitive
[docs]def machine_architecture(arch=platform.machine().lower()): """returns the architecture of the host itself""" if arch in ("amd64", "x86_64", "ia64") or "wow64" in arch: return 64 elif arch in ("i386", "i686", "x86"): return 32 elif not arch: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot handle `arch` being unpopulated.") else: raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know how to handle a machine architecture %s" % repr(arch))
# Don't collect coverage because it's using the internal Python # implementation which varies between platforms.
[docs]def interpreter_architecture(): # pragma: no cover """returns the architecture of the interpreter itself (32 or 64)""" if hasattr(sys, "maxsize"): if sys.maxsize > 2**32: return 64 else: return 32 else: # Python < 2.6, not as accurate as the above if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bits": return 64 else: return 32
[docs]def uptime(): """ Returns the amount of time the system has been running in seconds. """ return time.time() - psutil.boot_time()
[docs]def operating_system(plat=sys.platform): """ Returns the operating system for the given platform. Please note that while you can call this function directly you're more likely better off using values in :mod:`pyfarm.core.enums` instead. """ if plat.startswith("linux"): return "linux" elif plat.startswith("win"): return "windows" elif plat.startswith("darwin"): return "mac" else: logger.warning("unknown operating system: %r", plat) return "other"