Source code for pyfarm.agent.http.api.assign

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Oliver Palmer
# Copyright 2014 Ambient Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from uuid import uuid4

    from httplib import (
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import (

import traceback
from functools import partial

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList
from voluptuous import Schema, Required

from pyfarm.core.enums import WorkState, AgentState
from pyfarm.agent.config import config
from pyfarm.agent.http.core.client import post, http_retry_delay
from pyfarm.agent.http.api.base import APIResource
from pyfarm.agent.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.agent.utility import request_from_master
from pyfarm.agent.sysinfo.memory import free_ram
from pyfarm.agent.utility import JOBTYPE_SCHEMA, TASKS_SCHEMA, JOB_SCHEMA
from pyfarm.jobtypes.core.internals import InsufficientSpaceError
from pyfarm.jobtypes.core.jobtype import JobType
from pyfarm.agent.utility import dumps

logger = getLogger("agent.http.assign")

[docs]class Assign(APIResource): isLeaf = False # this is not really a collection of things # Schemas used for validating the request before # the target function will handle it. These make # assertions about what kind of input data is required # or not based on the agent's internal code. SCHEMAS = { "POST": Schema({ Required("job"): JOB_SCHEMA, Required("jobtype"): JOBTYPE_SCHEMA, Required("tasks"): TASKS_SCHEMA})} def __init__(self, agent): self.agent = agent
[docs] def post(self, **kwargs): if request_from_master(kwargs["request"]): config.master_contacted() request = kwargs["request"] request_data = kwargs["data"] # First, get the resources we have *right now*. In some cases # this means using the functions in pyfarm.core.sysinfo because # entries in `config` could be slightly out of sync with the system. memory_free = free_ram() cpus = config["agent_cpus"] requires_ram = request_data["job"].get("ram") requires_cpus = request_data["job"].get("cpus") if ("agent_id" in request_data and request_data["agent_id"] != config["agent_id"]): logger.error("Wrong agent_id in assignment: %s. Our id is %s", request_data["agent_id"], config["agent_id"]) return ( dumps({"error": "You have the wrong agent. " "I am %s." % config["agent_id"], "agent_id": config["agent_id"]}), BAD_REQUEST ) elif self.agent.reannounce_lock.locked: logger.warning("Temporarily rejecting assignment because we " "are in the middle of a reannounce.") return ( dumps({"error": "Agent cannot accept assignments because of a " "reannounce in progress. Try again shortly."}), SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) elif self.agent.shutting_down: logger.error("Rejecting assignment because the agent is in the " "process of shutting down.") return ( dumps({"error": "Agent cannot accept assignments because it is " "shutting down."}), SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) elif "restart_requested" in config \ and config["restart_requested"] is True: logger.error("Rejecting assignment because of scheduled restart.") return ( dumps({"error": "Agent cannot accept assignments because of a " "pending restart."}), SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) elif "agent_id" not in config: logger.error( "Agent has not yet connected to the master or `agent_id` " "has not been set yet.") return ( dumps({"error": "agent_id has not been set in the config"}), SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) # Do we have enough ram? elif requires_ram is not None and requires_ram > memory_free: logger.error( "Task %s requires %sMB of ram, this agent has %sMB free. " "Rejecting Task %s.", request_data["job"]["id"], requires_ram, memory_free, request_data["job"]["id"]) config["free_ram"] = memory_free return ( dumps({"error": "Not enough ram", "agent_ram": memory_free, "requires_ram": requires_ram}), BAD_REQUEST ) # Do we have enough cpus (count wise)? elif requires_cpus is not None and requires_cpus > cpus: logger.error( "Task %s requires %s CPUs, this agent has %s CPUs. " "Rejecting Task %s.", request_data["job"]["id"], requires_cpus, cpus, request_data["job"]["id"]) return ( dumps({"error": "Not enough cpus", "agent_cpus": cpus, "requires_cpus": requires_cpus}), BAD_REQUEST ) new_task_ids = set(task["id"] for task in request_data["tasks"]) for assignment in config["current_assignments"].itervalues(): existing_task_ids = set(x["id"] for x in assignment["tasks"]) # If the assignment is identical to one we already have if existing_task_ids == new_task_ids: logger.debug( "Ignoring repeated assignment of the same batch") return dumps({"id": assignment["id"]}), ACCEPTED # If there is only a partial overlap elif existing_task_ids & new_task_ids: logger.error("Rejecting assignment with partial overlap with " "existing assignment.") unknown_task_ids = new_task_ids - existing_task_ids return ( dumps({"error": "Partial overlap of tasks", "rejected_task_ids": list(unknown_task_ids)}), CONFLICT ) if not config["agent_allow_sharing"]: for jobtype in config["jobtypes"].itervalues(): num_finished_tasks = (len(jobtype.finished_tasks) + len(jobtype.failed_tasks)) if len(jobtype.assignment["tasks"]) > num_finished_tasks: logger.error("Rejecting an assignment that would require " "agent sharing") return ( dumps({ "error": "Agent does not allow multiple " "assignments", "rejected_task_ids": list(new_task_ids)}), CONFLICT ) assignment_uuid = uuid4() request_data.update(id=assignment_uuid) config["current_assignments"][assignment_uuid] = request_data logger.debug("Accepted assignment %s: %r", assignment_uuid, request_data)"Accept assignment from job %s with %s tasks", request_data["job"]["title"], len(request_data["tasks"])) def assignment_failed(result, assign_id): logger.error( "Assignment %s failed, result: %r, removing.", assign_id, result) logger.error(result.getTraceback()) if (len(config["current_assignments"]) <= 1 and not self.agent.shutting_down): config["state"] = AgentState.ONLINE self.agent.reannounce(force=True) # Do not mark the assignment as failed if the reason for failing # was that we ran out of disk space failed = not isinstance(result.value, InsufficientSpaceError) assignment = config["current_assignments"].pop(assign_id) if "jobtype" in assignment: jobtype_id = assignment["jobtype"].pop("id", None) if jobtype_id: instance = config["jobtypes"].pop(jobtype_id, None) instance.stop( assignment_failed=failed, avoid_reassignment=not failed, error="Error in jobtype: %r. " "Traceback: %s" % (result, traceback.format_exc())) def assignment_started(_, assign_id): logger.debug("Assignment %s has started", assign_id) config["state"] = AgentState.RUNNING self.agent.reannounce(force=True) def remove_assignment(_, assign_id): assignment = config["current_assignments"].pop(assign_id) if "jobtype" in assignment: jobtype_id = assignment["jobtype"].pop("id", None) if jobtype_id: config["jobtypes"].pop(jobtype_id, None) def assignment_stopped(_, assign_id): logger.debug("Assignment %s has stopped", assign_id) if (len(config["current_assignments"]) <= 1 and not self.agent.shutting_down): config["state"] = AgentState.ONLINE self.agent.reannounce(force=True) assignment = config["current_assignments"][assign_id] if "jobtype" in assignment: jobtype_id = assignment["jobtype"].pop("id", None) if jobtype_id: jobtype = config["jobtypes"].pop(jobtype_id, None) updates_deferred = DeferredList( jobtype.task_update_deferreds) updates_deferred.addBoth(remove_assignment, assign_id) else: config["current_assignments"].pop(assign_id) def restart_if_necessary(_): # pragma: no cover if "restart_requested" in config and config["restart_requested"]: stopping = config["agent"].stop() stopping.addCallbacks(lambda _: reactor.stop(), lambda _: reactor.stop()) def load_jobtype_failed(result, assign_id): logger.error( "Loading jobtype for assignment %s failed, removing.", assign_id) traceback = result.getTraceback() logger.debug("Got traceback") logger.error(traceback) assignment = config["current_assignments"].pop(assign_id) # Mark all tasks as failed on master and set an error message logger.debug("Marking tasks in assignment as failed") def post_update(post_url, post_data, task, delay=0): post_func = partial(post, post_url, data=post_data, callback=lambda x: result_callback( post_url, post_data, task, x), errback=lambda x: error_callback( post_url, post_data, task, x)) reactor.callLater(delay, post_func) def result_callback(cburl, cbdata, task, response): if 500 <= response.code < 600: logger.error( "Error while marking task %s as failed on master, " "retrying", task["id"]) post_update(cburl, cbdata, task, delay=http_retry_delay()) elif response.code != OK: logger.error( "Could not mark task %s as failed, server response " "code was %s", task["id"], response.code) else: "Marked task %s as failed on master", task["id"]) def error_callback(cburl, cbdata, task, failure_reason): logger.error( "Error while marking task %s as failed, retrying", task["id"], failure_reason) post_update(cburl, cbdata, task, delay=http_retry_delay()) for task in assignment["tasks"]: url = "%s/jobs/%s/tasks/%s" % ( config["master_api"], assignment["job"]["id"], task["id"]) data = { "state": WorkState.FAILED, "last_error": traceback} post_update(url, data, task) # If the loading was partially successful for some reason, there # might already be an entry for this jobtype in the config. # Remove it if it exists. if "jobtype" in assignment: jobtype_id = assignment["jobtype"].pop("id", None) if jobtype_id: config["jobtypes"].pop(jobtype_id, None) def loaded_jobtype(jobtype_class, assign_id): # TODO: report error to master if hasattr(jobtype_class, "getTraceback"): logger.error(jobtype_class.getTraceback()) return # TODO: add call to prepare_for_job # TODO: add call to spawn_persistent_process # Instance the job type and pass in the assignment data. instance = jobtype_class(request_data) if not isinstance(instance, JobType): raise TypeError( "Expected a subclass of " "pyfarm.jobtypes.core.jobtype.JobType") # TODO: add callback to cleanup_after_job # TODO: add callback to stop persistent process try: started_deferred, stopped_deferred = instance._start() started_deferred.addCallback(assignment_started, assign_id) started_deferred.addErrback(assignment_failed, assign_id) stopped_deferred.addCallback(assignment_stopped, assign_id) stopped_deferred.addErrback(assignment_failed, assign_id) stopped_deferred.addBoth(restart_if_necessary) stopped_deferred.addBoth( lambda *args: instance._remove_tempdirs()) stopped_deferred.addBoth( lambda *args: instance._close_logs()) stopped_deferred.addBoth( lambda *args: instance._upload_logfile()) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error on starting jobtype, stopping it now. " "Error was: %r. Traceback: %s", e, traceback.format_exc()) instance.stop(assignment_failed=True, error="Error while loading jobtype: %r. " "Traceback: %s" % (e, traceback.format_exc())) assignment = config["current_assignments"].pop(assign_id) if "jobtype" in assignment: jobtype_id = assignment["jobtype"].pop("id", None) if jobtype_id: config["jobtypes"].pop(jobtype_id, None) # Load the job type then pass the class along to the # callback. No errback here because all the errors # are handled internally in this case. jobtype_loader = JobType.load(request_data) jobtype_loader.addCallback(loaded_jobtype, assignment_uuid) jobtype_loader.addErrback(load_jobtype_failed, assignment_uuid) return dumps({"id": assignment_uuid}), ACCEPTED