Source code for pyfarm.agent.entrypoints.development

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


Contains entry points which constructs the command line tools
used for development such as ``pyfarm-dev-fakerender`` and

import argparse
import ctypes
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import time
from random import choice, randint, random
from textwrap import dedent

import psutil
import requests

from pyfarm.core.utility import convert
from pyfarm.agent.config import config
from pyfarm.agent.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.agent.sysinfo import memory
from pyfarm.agent.utility import dumps

logger = getLogger("agent.cmd")

config["start"] = time.time()

[docs]def fake_render(): process = psutil.Process() memory_used_at_start = memory.used_ram()"sys.argv: %r", sys.argv) # build parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Very basic command line tool which vaguely simulates a " "render.") parser.add_argument( "--ram", type=int, default=25, help="How much ram in megabytes the fake command should consume") parser.add_argument( "--duration", type=int, default=5, help="How many seconds it should take to run this command") parser.add_argument( "--return-code", type=int, action="append", default=[0], help="The return code to return, declaring this flag multiple times " "will result in a random return code. [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument( "--duration-jitter", type=int, default=5, help="Randomly add or subtract this amount to the total duration") parser.add_argument( "--ram-jitter", type=int, default=None, help="Randomly add or subtract this amount to the ram") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--start", type=int, required=True, help="The start frame. If no other flags are provided this will also " "be the end frame.") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--end", type=int, help="The end frame") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--by", type=int, help="The by frame", default=1) parser.add_argument( "--spew", default=False, action="store_true", help="Spews lots of random output to stdout which is generally " "a decent stress test for log processing issues. Do note however " "that this will disable the code which is consuming extra CPU " "cycles. Also, use this option with care as it can generate " "several gigabytes of data per frame.") parser.add_argument( "--segfault", action="store_true", help="If provided then there's a 25%% chance of causing a segmentation " "fault.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.end is None: args.end = args.start if args.ram_jitter is None: args.ram_jitter = int(args.ram / 2) assert args.end >= args.start and >= 1 random_output = None if args.spew: random_output = list(os.urandom(1024).encode("hex") for _ in xrange(15)) errors = 0 if isinstance(args.start, float): logger.warning( "Truncating `start` to an integer (float not yet supported)") args.start = int(args.start) if isinstance(args.end, float): logger.warning( "Truncating `end` to an integer (float not yet supported)") args.end = int(args.end) if isinstance(, float): logger.warning( "Truncating `by` to an integer (float not yet supported)") = int( for frame in xrange(args.start, args.end + 1, duration = args.duration + randint( -args.duration_jitter, args.duration_jitter) ram_usage = max( 0, args.ram + randint(-args.ram_jitter, args.ram_jitter))"Starting frame %04d", frame) # Warn if we're already using more memory if ram_usage < memory_used_at_start: logger.warning( "Memory usage starting up is higher than the value provided, " "defaulting --ram to %s", memory_used_at_start) # Consume the requested memory (or close to) # TODO: this is unrealistic, majority of renders don't eat ram like this memory_to_consume = int(ram_usage - memory.used_ram()) big_string = " " * 1048576 # ~ 1MB of memory usage if memory_to_consume > 0: start = time.time() logger.debug( "Consuming %s megabytes of memory", memory_to_consume) try: big_string += big_string * memory_to_consume except MemoryError: logger.error("Cannot render, not enough memory") errors += 1 continue logger.debug( "Finished consumption of memory in %s seconds. Off from " "target memory usage by %sMB.", time.time() - start, memory.used_ram() - ram_usage) # Decently guaranteed to cause a segmentation fault. Originally from: # if args.segfault and random() > .25: i = ctypes.c_char('a') j = ctypes.pointer(i) c = 0 while True: j[c] = 'a' c += 1 j # Continually hash a part of big_string to consume # cpu cycles end_time = time.time() + duration last_percent = None while time.time() < end_time: if args.spew: print >> sys.stdout, choice(random_output) else: hashlib.sha1(big_string[:4096]) # consume CPU cycles progress = (1 - (end_time - time.time()) / duration) * 100 percent, _ = divmod(progress, 5) if percent != last_percent: last_percent = percent"Progress %03d%%", progress) if last_percent is None:"Progress 100%%")"Finished frame %04d in %s seconds", frame, duration) if errors: logger.error("Render finished with errors") sys.exit(1) else: return_code = choice(args.return_code)"exit %s", return_code)
[docs]def fake_work(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Quick and dirty script to create a job type, a job, and " "some tasks which are then posted directly to the " "agent. The primary purpose of this script is to test " "the internal of the job types") parser.add_argument( "--master-api", default="", help="The url to the master's api [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument( "--agent-api", default="", help="The url to the agent's api [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument( "--jobtype", default="FakeRender", help="The job type to use [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument( "--job", type=int, help="If provided then this will be the job we pull tasks from " "and assign to the agent. Please note we'll only be pulling " "tasks that aren't running or assigned.") args = parser.parse_args()"Master args.master_api: %s", args.master_api)"Agent args.master_api: %s", args.agent_api) assert not args.agent_api.endswith("/") assert not args.master_api.endswith("/") # session to make requests with session = requests.Session() session.headers.update({"content-type": "application/json"}) existing_jobtype = session.get( args.master_api + "/jobtypes/%s" % args.jobtype) # Create a FakeRender job type if one does not exist if not existing_jobtype.ok: sourcecode = dedent(""" from pyfarm.jobtypes.examples import %s as _%s class %s(_%s): pass""" % (args.jobtype, args.jobtype, args.jobtype, args.jobtype)) response = args.master_api + "/jobtypes/", data=dumps({ "name": args.jobtype, "classname": args.jobtype, "code": sourcecode, "max_batch": 1})) assert response.ok, response.json() jobtype_data = response.json() "Created job type %r, id %r", args.jobtype, jobtype_data["id"]) else: jobtype_data = existing_jobtype.json() "Job type %r already exists, id %r", args.jobtype, jobtype_data["id"]) jobtype_version = jobtype_data["version"] if args.job is None: job = args.master_api + "/jobs/", data=dumps({ "start": 1, "end": 1, "title": "Fake Job - %s" % int(time.time()), "jobtype": args.jobtype})) assert job.ok, job.json() job = job.json()"Job %r created", job["id"]) else: job = session.get(args.master_api + "/jobs/%s" % args.job) if not job.ok: logger.error("No such job with id %r", args.job) return else: job = job.json()"Job %r exists", job["id"]) tasks = session.get(args.master_api + "/jobs/%s/tasks/" % job["id"]) assert tasks.ok job_tasks = [] for task in tasks.json(): if task["state"] not in ("queued", "failed"): "Can't use task %s, it's state is not 'queued' or 'failed'", task["id"]) continue if task["agent_id"] is not None: "Can't use task %s, it already has an agent assigned", task["id"]) job_tasks.append({"id": task["id"], "frame": task["frame"]}) if not job_tasks: logger.error("Could not find any tasks to send for job %s", job["id"]) return "Found %s tasks from job %s to assign to %r", len(job_tasks), job["id"], args.agent_api) assignment_data = { "job": { "id": job["id"], "by": job["by"], "ram": job["ram"], "ram_warning": job["ram_warning"], "ram_max": job["ram_max"], "cpus": job["cpus"], "batch": job["batch"], "user": job["user"], "data": job["data"], "environ": job["environ"], "title": job["title"]}, "jobtype": { "name": args.jobtype, "version": jobtype_version}, "tasks": job_tasks} # Drop any keys which don't have values since this # would break the schema validation in the agent. for key in list(assignment_data["job"]): if assignment_data["job"][key] is None: del assignment_data["job"][key] response = args.agent_api + "/assign", data=dumps(assignment_data)) assert response.ok, response.json()"Tasks posted to agent")