Source code for pyfarm.agent.config

# No shebang line, this module is meant to be imported
# Copyright 2014 Oliver Palmer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


Central module for storing and working with a live configuration objects.  This
module instances :class:`.ConfigurationWithCallbacks` onto :const:`.config`.
Attempting to reload this module will not reinstance the :const:`.config`

The :const:`.config` object should be directly imported from this
module to be used:

    >>> from pyfarm.agent.config import config

import os
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
from logging import _levelNames, getLogger as _getLogger

from pyfarm.core.enums import NOTSET, STRING_TYPES
from pyfarm.core.config import Configuration
from pyfarm.agent.logger import getLogger
from pyfarm.agent.sysinfo import memory, cpu, network

logger = getLogger("agent.config")

[docs]class LoggingConfiguration(Configuration): """ Special configuration object which logs when a key is changed in a dictionary. If the reactor is not running then log messages will be queued until they can be emitted so they are not lost. .. automethod:: _expandvars """ MODIFIED = "modified" CREATED = "created" DELETED = "deleted" def __init__(self, data=None, environment=None, load=True): super(LoggingConfiguration, self).__init__("pyfarm.agent") assert data is None or isinstance(data, dict) assert environment is None or isinstance(environment, dict) if environment is None: environment = os.environ if load: self.load(environment=environment) self.update( # A mapping of UUIDs to job type instances. jobtypes={}, # A mapping of tasks to job type instances. current_assignments={}, # The last time we were in touch with the master, # or the last time it was in touch with us. last_master_contact=None, # The last time we announced ourselves to the master. This # may be longer than --master-reannounce if # `last_master_contact` caused us to skip an announcement. last_announce=None) if data is not None: self.update(data) # Load configuration file(s) for jobtypes and then # update the local instance if load: jobtypes_config = Configuration( "pyfarm.jobtypes", version=self.version) jobtypes_config.load(environment=environment) self.update(jobtypes_config) def _map_value(self, key, value): """ Some configuration values have keywords associated with them, this function is responsible for returning the 'fixed' value. """ if value == "auto": if key == "agent_ram": return memory.total_ram() if key == "agent_cpus": return cpu.total_cpus() if key == "agent_hostname": return network.hostname() if key == "agent_static_root": return abspath( join(dirname(__file__), "http", "static")) return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): value = self._map_value(key, value) if key not in self: self.changed(self.CREATED, key, value, NOTSET) elif self[key] != value: self.changed(self.MODIFIED, key, value, self[key]) # Run the base class's method after the above otherwise # the value would already be in the data we're comparing # against super(LoggingConfiguration, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): """ Deletes the provided ``key`` and triggers a ``delete`` event using :meth:`.changed`. """ old_value = self[key] if key in self else NOTSET super(LoggingConfiguration, self).__delitem__(key) self.changed(self.DELETED, key, NOTSET, old_value)
[docs] def pop(self, key, *args): """ Deletes the provided ``key`` and triggers a ``delete`` event using :meth:`.changed`. """ old_value = self[key] if key in self else NOTSET super(LoggingConfiguration, self).pop(key, *args) self.changed(self.DELETED, key, NOTSET, old_value)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Deletes all keys in this object and triggers a ``delete`` event using :meth:`.changed` for each one. """ keys = list(self.keys()) # Not quite the same thing as dict.clear() but the effect # is the same as the call to changed() is more real time. for key in keys: old_value = self.pop(key, NOTSET) self.changed(self.DELETED, key, NOTSET, old_value)
[docs] def update(self, data=None, **kwargs): """ Updates the data held within this object and triggers the appropriate events with :meth:`.changed`. """ def trigger_changed(changed_object): try: items = changed_object.iteritems() except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover items = changed_object.items() for key, value in items: if key not in self: self.changed(self.CREATED, key, value, NOTSET) elif self[key] != value: self.changed(self.MODIFIED, key, value, self[key]) if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.items(): data[key] = self._map_value(key, value) trigger_changed(data) elif data is not None: raise TypeError("Expected None or dict for `data`") elif data is None: data = {} if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.items(): kwargs[key] = self._map_value(key, value) trigger_changed(kwargs) super(LoggingConfiguration, self).update(data, **kwargs)
[docs] def changed(self, change_type, key, new_value=NOTSET, old_value=NOTSET): """ This method is run whenever one of the keys in this object changes. """ assert new_value is not NOTSET if change_type != self.DELETED else True assert old_value is NOTSET if change_type == self.CREATED else True if change_type == self.MODIFIED: logger.debug("Modified %r = %r", key, new_value) elif change_type == self.CREATED: logger.debug("Set %r = %r", key, new_value) elif change_type == self.DELETED: logger.debug("Deleted %r", key) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know how to handle change_type %r" % change_type)
[docs] def master_contacted(self, update=True, announcement=False): """ Simple method that will update the ``last_master_contact`` and then return the result. :param bool update: Setting this value to False will just return the current value instead of updating the value too. """ if not update and "last_master_contact" not in self: return None if announcement: self["last_announce"] = datetime.utcnow() if update: self["last_master_contact"] = datetime.utcnow() return self["last_master_contact"]
[docs]class ConfigurationWithCallbacks(LoggingConfiguration): """ Subclass of :class:`.LoggingDictionary` that provides the ability to run a function when a value is changed. """ callbacks = {}
[docs] @classmethod def register_callback(cls, key, callback, append=False): """ Register a function as a callback for ``key``. When ``key`` is set the given ``callback`` will be run by :meth:`.changed` :param string key: the key which when changed in any way will execute ``callback`` :param callable callback: the function or method to register :param boolean append: by default attempting to register a callback which has already been registered will do nothing, setting this to ``True`` overrides this behavior. """ assert callable(callback) callbacks = cls.callbacks.setdefault(key, []) if callback in callbacks and not append: logger.debug( "%r is already a registered callback for %r", callback, key) return callbacks.append(callback) logger.debug("Registered callback %r for %r", callback, key)
[docs] @classmethod def deregister_callback(cls, key, callback): """ Removes any callback(s) that are registered with the provided ``key`` """ results = cls.callbacks.pop(key, None) if results is None: # pragma: no cover logger.debug( "%r is not a registered callback for %r", callback, key)
[docs] def clear(self, callbacks=False): """ Performs the same operations as :meth:`dict.clear` except this method can also clear any registered callbacks if requested. """ super(ConfigurationWithCallbacks, self).clear() if callbacks: self.callbacks.clear()
[docs] def changed(self, change_type, key, new_value=NOTSET, old_value=NOTSET): """ This method is called internally whenever a given ``key`` changes which in turn will pass off the change to any registered callback(s). """ super(ConfigurationWithCallbacks, self).changed( change_type, key, new_value=new_value, old_value=old_value) if key in self.callbacks: for callback in self.callbacks[key]: callback(change_type, key, new_value, old_value) logger.debug( "Key %r was %r, calling callback %s", key, change_type, callback)
[docs]def configure_logger_level(): """ When called this will set the root logger level based on the ``agent_global_logger_level`` configuration variable. """ # Import here to prevent circular imports and because we # don't want CONFIGURATION in the namespace of this module. from pyfarm.agent.logger.twistd import CONFIGURATION root_level = config["agent_global_logger_level"] if isinstance(root_level, STRING_TYPES): root_level = _levelNames[root_level.upper()] assert isinstance(root_level, int) levels = CONFIGURATION["levels"] for index, (name, level) in enumerate(levels): if name == "": levels[index] = ("", root_level) break else: levels.insert(0, ("", root_level)) # Just to be safe, we also set pf's root level pf = _getLogger("pf") pf.setLevel(root_level)
# Prevent a call to reload() from dumping the config object try: config except NameError: config = ConfigurationWithCallbacks() configure_logger_level()